Changing your plans for the 'New Normal' - MarketWatch
Today, we'd kill for 5.25% in a savings account. But don't get your hopes up, say the Pimco folks. They ominously see today's low-return environment as the ...
Today, we'd kill for 5.25% in a savings account. But don't get your hopes up, say the Pimco folks. They ominously see today's low-return environment as the ...
New School, New Life: helping your kids adapt to new school |
By the underground magazine
Eowyn Crisfield provides 3 tips for helping your kids adjust to the new “normal” in a new school setting. ... Eowyn Crisfield provides 3 tips for helping your kids adjust to the new “normal”. For some children, settling into a new year in a new ...
» The Underground The Hague
By the underground magazine
Eowyn Crisfield provides 3 tips for helping your kids adjust to the new “normal” in a new school setting. ... Eowyn Crisfield provides 3 tips for helping your kids adjust to the new “normal”. For some children, settling into a new year in a new ...
» The Underground The Hague
TV Guide
The station, which has ties to the CW, ABC and NBC, will air The New Normal Saturdays at 10/9c, ahead of Saturday Night Live. KUCW-TV also aired The Playboy Club last year after the same Mormon-owned NBC affiliate, KSL-TV, declined to the air that ...
A 'new normal:' Two years after Boulder County's Fourmile Fire, recovery varies
Daily Camera
Andi O'Conor with her dog, Nellie, outside their new home in the Fourmile Fire burn area. O'Conor decided to stay and rebuild. "I just forged ahead at the beginning and when I got midway through I said, 'This is really hard,'" she said. (Cliff ...
KSL-TV executives meet with LGBT families in Utah over not airing 'The New ...
LGBT Weekly
Following Salt Lake City, Utah NBC affiliate KSL-TV's decision to not air the upcoming NBC series The New Normal, the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD), Equality Utah and the Utah Pride Center have announced plans to host a panel ...
Ryan Murphy's 'The New Normal' Remains In All Cities Now
Best Movies Ever Entertainment News
Proving that not everyone in Utah disapproves of Ryan Murphy's The New Normal, KUCW has stepped up to air the controversial family show on Saturdays as a lead-in for Saturday Night Live. Check out the latest clips below. justin bartha with andrew ...
Best Movies Ever Entertainment News
Hurray for TV show ban
The Herald Journal
To the editor: I wanted to show my support of KSL's decision to ban the show “The New Normal” from its programming schedule. I find the description offensive, degrading and destructive of families. NBC does not care about supporting families or ...
State of the labor force under pressure this holiday
The Seattle Times
Is this the brutal new normal? Has American business found a way to recover quite nicely using far fewer workers? Happy Labor Day. The jobs crisis is even present below the glitter of Seattle prosperity. The unemployment rate in Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue ...
TV turns to Broadway to find that star quality
Fresno Bee
One of the most notable Broadway-comes-to-Hollywood casting is on the new NBC comedy "The New Normal," created by Ryan Murphy. Tony-nominated actor Andrew Rannells, best known for his breakout role as Elder Price in the Broadway musical "The ...
Fresno Bee
What's new on Tuesdays: 2012 Fall TV guide
Plain Dealer (blog)
"The New Normal" (9:30-10 p.m., NBC): Writer-producer Ryan Murphy ("Nip/Tuck," "Glee," "American Horror Story") is at the helm of this comedy featuring Georgia King as Goldie, a single Midwestern mother and waitress who agrees to be the surrogate for a ...
Fall TV preview: 26 new shows to look for (or avoid)
"The New Normal," Sept. 11 on NBC -- two and a half stars. Justin Bartha and Andrew Rannells are gay partners who want a child, and Georgia King is the single mom who may become their surrogate in a comedy from Ryan Murphy ("Glee") and Ali Adler.
Complete Streets
“Our goal at the end of this project is to set a new normal — we're trying to instigate a cultural change,” Cox told the Commission. Birmingham, which takes pride in its national reputation as one of the most walkable downtown communities in America ...
Business Calendar
Pittsburgh Post Gazette
Luncheon: "The Beginning of the New Normal." Speaker: Izzy Dawood, director, investor relations and financial management and analysis, BNY Mellon. Call 412-253-7515 or Saint Vincent College Small Business Development ...
Networks prepare to roll out new shows
Richmond Times Dispatch
Opposite the Fox comedies, NBC debuts Perry's "Go On" and "The New Normal," about a gay couple who decide to have a baby with the help of a surrogate. In the same hour, ABC will bring back low-rated but buzzy comedies "Happy Endings" and "Don't ...
Solar school
Cape Cod Times (subscription)
As renewable power generation becomes increasingly ubiquitous, solar arrays and wind turbines will become less and less of a novelty and more a part of the new normal. Although the college's student body is composed of a wide range of ages, these ...
Business: Nokia and Microsoft pin hopes on new handset as smartphone wars ...
"Patent bullying is sweeping through the industry right now, but many are starting to realise it is the new normal," says Neil Mawston at research firm Strategy Analytics. "Companies are competing in a very crowded market where any edge, be it via ...
Scan and plan: 28 days of the biggest and best in arts & entertainment
Detroit Free Press
Metric at the Fillmore Detroit. Sun. 9. • Amon Tobin at Royal Oak Music Theatre. • Billy Joe Shaver at the Ark. Mon. 10. Season premiere: "The Voice," 8 p.m. NBC. Tue. 11. • Frank Turner at St. Andrew's Hall. • Series premiere: "The New Normal," 9:30 p ...
Geva Theatre celebrates 40th season
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
But production costs keep going up nationwide, so it may be unwise to call “$25 and up” (Geva's Mainstage prices) the new normal. If you can live without the bubbly and black ties at the Sept. 15 gala, the rest of the 40th anniversary bash should be ...
Take Me To The Pilots '12: ABC's 'How To Live With Your Parents (For the Rest ...
HitFix (blog)
It doesn't help that Chalke is playing just another iteration of the exact same ditzy-yet-earthy-yet-flighty-yet-maternal quirky-hipster-mom that Dakota Johnson is playing on "Ben and Kate" and Georgia King is playing on "The New Normal" and her on ...
HitFix (blog)
Jayson Blair Shirtless in The New Normal -
By Square
Shirtless pictures of actor and model Jayson Blair in the pilot episode of The New Normal.
ontd_glee: praise for max adler's new show "The Last Resort"
By crash and burn girl
NBC's “The New Normal” might find an appealing balance between wit and sincerity with its fresh concept of surrogate parenthood. “The Mindy Project” on Fox is a standard single-girl sitcom, but Mindy Kaling brings a lot of potential to it with ...
Will new shoes "fix" NBC? - The World According to Mandy
By Amanda Lee
The New Normal – Gay couple Bryan and David have everything they want – except a child. They decide that Goldie may be the perfect surrogate for them. Why it will work: The show is already garnering controversy – including a network in ...
The World According to Mandy
Casual Friday Presented by The New Normal ...
In honor of the The New Normal(premiering Tuesday, September 11th at 9:30/8 30c on NBC) we are proud to look at family in a new light and showcase some of ...
'New Normal' Decision Prompts Meeting Between LGBT Groups ...
KSL-TV still won't air "New Normal," but two sides are talking.

The director of One Million Moms says the LGBT-inclusive show represents ' moral decay in ...
Penn State football: Without Joe Paterno, a 'new normal'
Los Angeles Times
"We're trying to find out what the new normal is," said Malcolm Moran, a former sportswriter who teaches in the school's College of Communications. "On the surface it seems normal, but it's not." Penn State will start a season without Paterno on the ...
'New Normal' to be screened in Utah; KSL station praises 'cordial and ... (blog)
the-new-normal-key-art.jpg Utah television station KSL, owned by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, announced last week that it would not be airing new NBC comedy "The New Normal" due to possible rude, crude or explicit content. (blog)
'The New Normal': GLAAD Partners With Equality Utah, KSL Still Refuses To Air ...
Huffington Post
We appreciated the opportunity to meet today. It was helpful to talk together, to better understand issues, and to be able to discuss the reasons behind our decision to not air 'The New Normal.' This was not a decision we made lightly and it was not ...
'Revolution,' 'New Normal' and 'Nashville': Which New TV Shows Are Dominating ...
Hollywood Reporter
Several new offerings, like New Normal, Mindy Project and Go On, may have received early bumps with sneak previews of their respective first episodes. Go On's early preview bowed to 16.1 million viewers Aug. 8 and during NBC's Olympics coverage, ...
The New Normal Finds Its New Home In Utah!
Even though people with internet access will probably just view Ryan Murphy's latest creation, The New Normal, online at their own convenience regardless of any ban, those living in Utah who still watch traditional television will also be able to ...
Broadway World
A gay gallimaufry, Ryan Murphy and Ali Adler's new half-hour comedy THE NEW NORMAL - premiering September 11 on NBC - more than merely delivers on the premise of a significantly more glossy meta-MODERN FAMILY, complete with all the requisite ...
Pelican Lake's new 'normal': thick weeds and zebra mussels
Wearing shoes while on the beach or swimming soon became what Johnson called “the new normal.” But she was told the havoc zebra mussels would take on her beloved lake wasn't over yet. What happens with zebra mussels is they initially “clean out” the ...
Ellen Barkin spouts off about 'Normal' role
Boston Herald
Neither does her character on NBC's fall sitcom “The New Normal,” premiering Sept. 11 at 9:30 p.m. on WHDH (Ch. 7). The show centers on a gay couple striving to have a baby with a surrogate mother, and show creator, director and co-writer Ryan Murphy ...
NBC's 'The New Normal' will be shown in Utah after local network agrees to air it
Utah television viewers will get to see The New Normal after all. A week after NBC affiliate KSL-TV announced that it would not carry the series, which features a gay couple, another local station has decided to air it. According to The Hollywood ...
'New Normal' Decision Prompts Meeting Between LGBT Groups, Utah Station
GLAAD will join with Utah LGBT groups to present a panel discussion and screening of Ryan Murphy's upcoming NBC series "The New Normal" in light of a Salt Lake City station's decision not to air it. The Mormon church-owned KSL-TV, which also does not ...
Utah Station Denies Gay Content Is Why It Yanked “The New Normal.” Watch It ...
Salt Lake City's KSL-TV met with representatives from Equality Utah and the Utah Pride Center this week to discuss the station's refusal to air The New Normal, the new NBC series following a gay couple as they adopt a baby from a surrogate, when it ...
Fall TV first impressions: 'The New Normal'
Heritage Newspapers
The broadcast networks plan to introduce more than 20 new shows this fall and TV critic Chuck Barney and Assistant Features Editor Ardua Harris have been checking out early versions of the pilot episodes. Full reviews will be forthcoming, but for now, ...
Heritage Newspapers
Hating the sinner
Salt Lake Tribune
KSL, which is owned by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, announced that it won't air "The New Normal," NBC's new fall show about two gay men having a baby through a surrogate mother ("KSL won't air gay-themed NBC sitcom 'New Normal,'" ...
The Point Radio: Ellen Barkin Defends THE NEW NORMAL
Then there's THE NEW NORMAL, a show that has already made headlines with one NBC affiliate refusing to carry it. Series regular Ellen Barkin has made her position clear on social media, but we gave her a little more space than 140 characters to explain ...
Amazon Is Releasing Two New 7-Inch Kindle Fires But No iPad-Sized One
Gizmodo Australia
Or maybe that 7-inch tablets are the new normal. What would be the difference between the two tablets given that they're both 7-inches? According to CNET's report, it looks like Amazon will slightly upgrade the original Kindle Fire, “which includes a ...
Pretty Little Liars Star Sterling Sulieman Scores a Major New Role
Deadline reports that Sterling has landed a recurring role on the new NBC comedy The New Normal, the latest brainchild of Glee creator Ryan Murphy. According to Deadline, Sterling will play a character named Clint, the "Republican EMT brother" of none ...
Growing dismally
Indian Express
From the heady growth rates of 8 per cent and above, the economy seems to be adjusting to anew normal range of 5 to 6 per cent growth. The implications for per capita income, employment prospects and investment opportunities will be dismal as long as ...
Quick Edit | Five is the new six
It was the former chief economic adviser Kaushik Basu who had, in the face of a sustained rise in inflation, talked about a new normal of 7%. As things turned out, it was retail inflation that was even higher than Basu's new normal. Now, economic ...
Fall 2012 TV Preview: More thrills and chills, fewer laughs
Denver Post
"The New Normal" (NBC) — A gay couple who want to have a child meet a single mom who wants to escape her overbearing (and hilarious) mother and start anew. Ryan Murphy ("Glee") presents a smart peek at old stereotypes and new formulations of family ...
GAME 1: Penn State vs. Ohio
Scranton Times-Tribune (blog)
It's a return to the field for Penn State. Maybe, it's also a small step toward things reaching a new normal around here. Outside of some of the pregame stuff everyone is doing here to show unity and such, I'll keep this blog pretty much focused on ...
The Way to Brain Health
“Brain fog” may be the new normal, but a host of doctors and scientists is working hard to cut through the mist and restore the prowess of the softly folded gray matter that sets us apart—so we like to believe—from other creatures of the Earth. Why ...
Unanswered questions about Hurricane Isaac
Democratic Underground
Is this the new normal for U.S. hurricanes? 3. Did the new $14.5 billion upgrade to the New Orleans levee system cause worse flooding elsewhere? Whenever a new levee or flood control structure is created, you make someone else's flood problem worse, ...
Our Voices for Sept. 1, 2012
The Advocate
Brenna now wears a prosthetic leg and is searching for her “new normal,” all while maintaining her upbeat and optimistic attitude in face of her new challenges, she said. “I realized this is my life. … My leg is not growing back and I am rolling with ...
Short takes on the news
Salt Lake Tribune
It's just too bad that, in choosing not to broadcast the new NBC program "The New Normal" about a couple of gay men who set out to have a baby with the help of a surrogate mother, the station management has again boosted the stereotype of Utah, and its ...
Business Briefs, Sept. 3
Breakout session topics include “How to Thrive in the New Normal,” “Think Your Way to Prosperity,” “Inventing a Future that Feels Good,” and “10 Ways Highly Successful Women Lead.” A catered lunch and networking reception also are included. Individual ...
Industry in transition has studios changing their tune
Crain's Detroit Business
It's just one new business model emerging in metro Detroit as the music industry adapts to anew normal. Digital devolution. Many of the changes go back to 1999, when the free-for-all digital file-sharing service Napster burst onto the scene with its ...
Should NeNe Leakes Leave The Real Housewives of Atlanta to Focus on Her ...
From guest starring on FOX's Glee to landing a role in Ryan Murphy's new comedy, The New Normal, she's made the transition from reality star to bonafide actress look easy and surprisingly convincing. We shouldn't be surprised that NeNe's acting career ...
Know Thine Enemy: 10 Of The Worst Anti-LGBT Moments Of The Week, August ...
Huffington Post
"The New Normal" doesn't make its official NBC premiere for another two weeks, yet advance criticism of the show's gay plotlines and characters continues to build ahead of its debut. As Right Wing Watch reports, notorious right-wing pundit Bryan ...
One Million Moms condemns new TV show produced by Jennifer Lopez
Wisconsin Gazette
The group vigorously attacked JCPenney for choosing Ellen DeGeneres as a spokesperson, but the brand saw a positive increase in perception as a result, according to market analysts. Their attack on the NBC show “The New Normal,” which debuts on Sept.
Shelly's Soul Boosters: DON'T ASK, DON'T SELL
10 Thousand Couples
I'm sorry. I don't understand how it's not discriminatory against people or “lifestyle” to not provide a wedding cake to a LEGAL wedding between two people of the same sex. The New NormalWith luck, I'll figure it out after I kick back and relax in ...
It's Football Season Again!
WITN (blog)
The New Normal follows with its premiere episode at 10:00pm as we come to meet a young Ohio mother who has gone west to California with her young daughter to search for a new life. While there she answers an ad to become a surrogate mother for a gay ...
NBC's 'The New Normal' Finds New Broadcast Home in Utah ...
By Lesley Goldberg
A week after an NBC affiliate in Utah declined to air The New Normal, the comedy about a gay family has found a new home in Salt Lake City. KUCW-TV, an Ogden-licensed station with ties to The CW, ABC and NBC, has picked up the ...
BII MOBILE INSIGHTS: Multi-screen Media Consumption Is The New ...
By Heather Leonard
BII MOBILE INSIGHTS: Multi-Screen Media Consumption Is The New Normal. Heather Leonard | Aug. 31, 2012, 2:00 PM | 64 | 1. Email; More. Share on Tumblr · Tweet. Email. Share on Tumblr. Mobile Insights is the new daily newsletter from ...
Business Insider
The New Normal - Episode 1.02 - Sofa's Choice - Press Release ...
By DarkUFO
09/18/2012 (09:30PM - 10:00PM) (Tuesday) : MUST WE GO BACK TO GREY GARDENS? – Shania (Bebe Wood) is working to adapt to her new surroundings and, much to the delight of Bryan (Andrew Rannells), begins impersonating Little ...
Spoiler TV
Independent Contractor Status: The New Normal
Independent Contractor Status: The New Normal It's not all bad. It's the wave of the future. . . . (to read the remainder of this article, please log in below.) The resource you have requested is available only to current members.
Gary North -- Specific Answers
Rumer Willis: Watch 'The New Normal' Pilot! | Rumer Willis : Just Jared
Rumer's boyfriend Jayson Blair recently promoted his new show The New Normal on Twitter. He tweeted, “Watch the first episode of NBC's # TheNewNormal on ...
Rumer's boyfriend Jayson Blair recently promoted his new show The New Normal on Twitter. He tweeted, “Watch the first episode of NBC's # TheNewNormal on ...
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