"I think it's hard to say what the new normal is going to be," DiNapoli said in an interview Tuesday with CNBC. "I think the industry is going to continue to be in transition and restructure." (Read More: Wall Street Bonuses Seen Higher in 2012: NY...
Krugman versus Wapo: Why Slow U.S. Growth Could be the New Normal
Paul Krugman doesn't like this Washington Post piece by Jim Tankersley that discusses whether slow growth is going to be the “new normal”. The article cites pessimistic arguments from Bush-appointed former Fed Governor, Kevin Warsh. Krugman calls foul ...
Is Vulgar the New Normal?
Huffington Post
Watching the 85th annual Academy Awards last week, I cringed. A lot. I cringed as host Seth MacFarlane opened up with a musical number called, "We Saw Your Boobs." I cringed during the Lincoln assassination joke. I also cringed during many of the ...
Why food riots are likely to become the new normal
The Guardian (blog)
Make no mistake: on a business-as-usual scenario, this is the new normal. Overall, global grain consumption has exceeded production in eight of the past 13 years. By mid-century, world crop yields could fall as much as 20-40% because of climate change ...
The Guardian (blog)
A new normal for the Department of Education
Casper Star-Tribune Online
Whether you love embattled Wyoming Superintendent of Public Instruction Cindy Hill or loath her, most people can agree on a few key points. First, Hill may have been just the most recent in a line of many mediocre-to-bad superintendents who have led ...
What Is The New Normal In Commercial Real Estate Environment, Asks Genesis ...
Daily Markets (press release)
What is the “new normal” in commercial real estate, asks Genesis Capital? A new annual report produced jointly by Real Estate Research Corporation (RERC), Deloitte, and the National Association of REALTORS (NAR), entitled Expectations & Market ...
The New Normal in Baghdad
Middle East Online
The New Normal in Baghdad. The US invasion ten years ago broke up the old Iraq; but now its worst elements and aspects have rejoined in different formations, and a frustrating, demoralising stasis seems to have been reimposed. Will it be possible to ...
The 'New Normal' -- Calif. Youth Giving Up the Gun
New America Media
Ed. Note: In the debate around gun violence, no one group is impacted and implicated more than youth and young adults. Over the past several weeks NAM youth reporters from across the state have been speaking with their peers about how they experience ...
Research reveals flexible working is the new normal in UK offices
Fresh Business Thinking
Flexible working is now offered by almost all (94%) UK organisations, according to research published by the Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM). The report, Flexible working: Goodbye nine to five, found half of managers (50%) believe flexible ...
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