Be more efficient in 2012
Toronto Star
Feeling anxious and overwhelmed is the new normal. But 2012 can be the year you finally tame your to-do list and start managing your work and homelife more easily, according to workplace performance expert Jason Womack. In his book: Your Best Just Got ...
Toronto Star
Feeling anxious and overwhelmed is the new normal. But 2012 can be the year you finally tame your to-do list and start managing your work and homelife more easily, according to workplace performance expert Jason Womack. In his book: Your Best Just Got ...
Sault Ste. Marie Evening News
“Worn-out words and phrases are the new normal this year, but with some shared sacrifice, we can clean up the language and win the future,” said an LSSU representative. LSSU wordsmiths emerged from their man cave long enough to release the new list, ...
Public Assets Institute: State making up for lost federal funds could be the ...
This will be the third time since 2005 that Vermont has been forced to make up for inadequate federal funding, but this is likely to become the new normal if Congress insists on cutting federal spending instead of raising taxes, which are now at the ...
In search of the new normal
Tampa Bay Business Journal
Health care costs are the No. 1 concern as a small company, said Debra F. Koehler, president of Sage Partners LLC in Tampa, developers of the Metro 501 project. “We provide 100 percent health care coverage for five employee and dependents. ...
The Age editorial writers greet a soggy start to the year on January 1:
The Australian (blog)
So are these extremes the new normal? It's what climate change models have been predicting, after all. CERTAINLY, the insurance industry, which keeps careful records of these events, is in no doubt climate change is making things worse. Yeah? ...
New Year Unlikely to Provide Clarity for Stocks
Wall Street Journal (blog)
“If the next 12 months are going to be more volatile, can investors accept that as part of a new normal or do they just step aside and wait for the old normal to return? The big concern is the crowding out of the individual investor during these ...
Chow line forming for UH-related gear
Pacific Business News (blog)
The back would read “The New Normal,” with “Norm” written in the same font UH uses for other team jerseys and school merchandise. Fans are already clamoring for the stuff announcing a new era in Warriors football, Ejima said. ...
Watch Your Mouth! Here Are The Words That Should be Banned Next Year
Apparently "occupy," "amazing," "man cave" and "the new normal" have no business being carried over into 2012 either. In all, a dozen words or phrases made the 37th annual end-of-the year list. It started as a publicity ploy by the university on New ...
Stars, young and old, partied in 2011 - Idaho Statesman
San Francisco Luxury News
After a decade in a downturn, music sales ticked up in 2011, and the industry seemed to temporarily right itself, or at least establish a new normal. And while youngsters like Nicki Minaj and Frank Ocean made a lot of noise, established veterans like ...
Find your vacation 'sweet spot' (the moment you truly relax)
Globe and Mail
Blogging and updating social media while on the road is the new normal. Two decades ago, when I began guiding northern river expeditions, getting an emergency message out – sent by HF radio and relayed by Inuvialuit hunters – was difficult. ...
Globe and Mail
Word Watch: Overused Expressions Of 2011
Hartford Courant
You might even say it occupied mall-speak and became the new normal. Steering around train wrecks and epic fails like the debt-ceiling deadlock, it showed the swag of a cougar. How cool is that? That said, the 99 percent might ask, "Are you sure? ...
US HOT STOCKS: MGIC Investment Active In Late Trading
Wall Street Journal
Sterne Agee trimmed 1 cent off its fourth-quarter EPS estimates for Commerce Bancshares Inc. (CBSH, $38.12, -$0.44, -1.14%) and more so in 2012 and 2013 in light of the new normal regarding interest rates. The firm attributed the move to a lack of loan ...
Best and worst calls of 2011
Business Spectator
In December 2010 I wrote a column claiming that our 'new normal' would be one characterised by far less predictable monetary policy. Specifically, I argued, “Australia's economic destiny over the next 10-20 years is likely to be much more uncertain and ...
Tumultuous year ends with few rewards for risk-takers
Financial Times
Is this the “new normal” of slow, grinding growth and weak equity returns that Pimco executives predicted after the 2008 financial crisis? Perhaps – except, at any moment, the failure of the latest eurozone bail-out talks or US budget brinkmanship ...
Reddit Users Are Fighting Over Fighting Paul Ryan
The Atlantic Wire
In the new normal, being first (or lucky) sometimes trumps all other issues. Just look at Rob Zerban. Despite the success of the campaign and the attention it received (Zerban's AMA was the top post on Reddit last night), a Reddit moderator who spoke...
The Atlantic Wire
Keen On… Marian Salzman: What Were The Top Trends in 2011?
... curve exceeded anything I could have ever anticipated and I think it's best proven out by sitting on a plane going cross country, see people of all ages working on them, reading on them and simply using them as if it's absolutely the new normal. ...
Tolling on state Route 520 goes smooth for second day | Big test ahead
Kent Reporter
They expect traffic to be significantly different and that it will take months to settle into a new normal. “What we've seen so far is encouraging,” said WSDOT Toll Division Director Craig Stone of the Washington State Department of Transportation. ...
Capitalising on human nature
Business Times (subscription)
Business as usual in the 'new normal' is simply no longer an option. Many of the old rules no longer apply. Future business success will depend on your company's mastery of a new management discipline - the application of principles of behavioural ...
2012 banned words list includes 'amazing,' 'blowback'
Leading the 2011 List of Banished Words are terms such as amazing, baby bump, man cave, shared sacrifice, "the new normal" and ginormous, a combination of the words "gigantic" and "enormous" that was actually added to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary in ...
Despite foreclosure and lots of empty space, Jamestown Mall remains open for ...
St. Louis Beacon
"It's going to be a slow return to normal, whatever the new normal is. Because the plan is a long-range plan, we are sticking with it. We hope that Jamestown is redeveloped as a mixed-use center, but we obviously would like to keep as many businesses ...
US HOT STOCKS: Canadian Pacific, AMR Corp, Sears, HCA Holdings
Wall Street Journal (India)
Sterne Agee trims a penny off its fourth-quarter EPS estimates for Commerce Bancshares Inc. (CBSH, $38.17, -$0.39, -1.01%) and more so in 2012 and 2013 in light of the new normal regarding interest rates. A lack of loan growth, the need to reinvest ...
Wait, Wait, a goat and words to bury, not to praise
Houston Chronicle (blog)
Not sure it has any effect, but it's fun to argue about. Here's the list, which includes ginormous, man cave, baby bump, amazing (which is the new awesome) and the new normal, among others. Hey, maybe you can get a cheap resolution of out this.
Houston Chronicle (blog)
The Script for 2012 – And Your Part In It
Money Morning
There's a "new normal." Globalization has increased labor pools, lowering costs and causing massive shifts in manufacturing realities, while productivity gains orphaned an army of white collar, middle-management sergeants, mostly in the developed world ...
Sacramento Business Journal (subscription)
It looks like the “new normal” will stick around for a while longer. Since the recession, success at Sacramento-area law firms has been measured by incremental growth. Expect more of the same in 2012, local lawyers say. Things aren't likely to get any ...
The Biggest Story of 2011 for me? Osama bin Laden is Dead.
Huffington Post Canada
We remain changed, but the new normal is beginning to resemble our former hopeful vision, at least a little. We fought, and are fighting still, the campaign against terrorism together even if in the process we had to reinvent the bilateral relationship ...
Mind-reading, tablets and TV are tech picks for 2012
BBC News
I think that's the new normal. It's the real time business. It's this 24-hour-a-day real-time streaming thing. TV is a big one. A lot of things are happening with TV. We're using iPads or laptops while watching TV, so during the Olympics, for instance, ...

BBC News
Expecting the Unexpected
It was widely accepted that new “normal” price levels were being set. This was especially evident when Standards & Poor's lowered its rating on US long-term debt in early August. Taking its cue from the financial markets, which have had their own wild ...
2011 Not the Very Worst, But Definitely in the Bottom 10
U.S. News & World Report
No wonder party-line votes have become the new normal on important legislation, or that the Senate minority has resorted to obstruction far more often than compromise. No democracy can be healthy when only 1 in 5 citizens trusts its government and only ...
Political Pistachio: New Year. . . Obama's New Normal
By Douglas V. Gibbs
Obama's New Normal · Bill Maher Hates Tim Tebow for the same reason he ... Constitution an Instrument For The People to Restr... Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to my Conservat... Pro-Lifers Sue for Documents Regarding Federal ...
Political Pistachio
Sacramento Business Journal (subscription)
It looks like the “new normal” will stick around for a while longer. Since the recession, success at Sacramento-area law firms has been measured by incremental growth. Expect more of the same in 2012, local lawyers say. Things aren't likely to get any ...
The Biggest Story of 2011 for me? Osama bin Laden is Dead.
Huffington Post Canada
We remain changed, but the new normal is beginning to resemble our former hopeful vision, at least a little. We fought, and are fighting still, the campaign against terrorism together even if in the process we had to reinvent the bilateral relationship ...
Mind-reading, tablets and TV are tech picks for 2012
BBC News
I think that's the new normal. It's the real time business. It's this 24-hour-a-day real-time streaming thing. TV is a big one. A lot of things are happening with TV. We're using iPads or laptops while watching TV, so during the Olympics, for instance, ...
BBC News
Expecting the Unexpected
It was widely accepted that new “normal” price levels were being set. This was especially evident when Standards & Poor's lowered its rating on US long-term debt in early August. Taking its cue from the financial markets, which have had their own wild ...
2011 Not the Very Worst, But Definitely in the Bottom 10
U.S. News & World Report
No wonder party-line votes have become the new normal on important legislation, or that the Senate minority has resorted to obstruction far more often than compromise. No democracy can be healthy when only 1 in 5 citizens trusts its government and only ...
Political Pistachio: New Year. . . Obama's New Normal
By Douglas V. Gibbs
Obama's New Normal · Bill Maher Hates Tim Tebow for the same reason he ... Constitution an Instrument For The People to Restr... Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to my Conservat... Pro-Lifers Sue for Documents Regarding Federal ...
Political Pistachio
Happy New Normal , An Ol' Broad's Ramblings
By olbroad
Happy New Normal. 29 December 2011, 7:14 pm (37 seconds ago). No Comments. Filed under cartoon, The ONE. If you enjoyed this post, make sure you subscribe to my RSS feed! Email · Delicious · Facebook · StumbleUpon · LinkedIn ...
An Ol' Broad's Ramblings
Is Living At Home After College The New Normal ...
By The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan via
Is Living At Home After College The New Normal? Michael Rosenfeld questions the boomerang narrative: Census data show that what is really new about young adulthood is the percentage of young adults who live on their own. From 1880 to ...
echos of a future dream
When did I order this new normal? How did I all of a sudden get here? When I decided to trade myself in for something that could take me to places I've lived before in my past when things were fabulous and to places I've only dreamed about ...
Time to Banish 2011 | Wired GC
By John Wallbillich
THE NEW NORMAL. “The phrase is often used to justify bad trends in society and to convince people that they are powerless to slow or to reverse those trends. This serves to reduce participation in the political process and to foster cynicism ...
Wired GC
These words should be banned from the English language ...
By Amy Rolph
Believe that winning the future is the new normal? Knock it off, already — you're not allowed to talk like that anymore. And not just because those sentences don't make any sense. Lake Superior State University published their annual List of ...
Seattle's Big Blog
Lake Surperior State University Releases 37th Annual List of ...
By Gary D. Price
“Worn-out words and phrases are the new normal this year, but with some shared sacrifice, we can clean up the language and win the future,” said an LSSU representative. LSSU wordsmiths emerged from their man cave long enough to ...
Daily Kos: 2012 Banished Words List announced; I helped banish ...
By (ScottyUrb)
It seems worn-out phrases and cliches are a "ginormous" part of "the new normal." If we want to "win the future," we must get out of our "man caves" and "occupy" the English language to stop this "trickeration!" Lake Superior State University ...
7 Ways to Reinvent your Business for Bigger Profits | BizBest
By Daniel Kehrer
For small business owners, there's a “new normal” out there, and it doesn't look a whole lot like the old normal. If your business seems to be on a treadmill of too much debt, too many operating expenses and too little growth, it may be time to ...
Education News » University unveils annual list of overrused words ...
The list also includes “occupy,” “ginormous,” “man cave” and “the new normal.” In all, a dozen words or phrases made the 37th end-of-the year list. The list started as a publicity ploy by the school's public relations department on New Year's ...
Education News
Shock News : Quebec Temperatures Approaching Those Of Venus ...
By Steven Goddard
... which includes Montreal and Quebec City, were 54 per cent higher than normal. Normal is around 280K, so I figure 431K (158C or 316F) is the new normal for Montreal. Merde, nous allons tous à brûler. ... Feed
'Baby Bump' and 'Amazing' Top List of Words to Banish | Madame ...
By Brande Victorian
“Occupy,” “ginormous,” “man cave” and “the new normal,” were also some of the most noted words from the 1500 nominations submitted from around the globe. What words do you never want to hear used again in the new year? ...
Madame Noire | Black Women's...
"Occupy", "Man Cave" Among Banished Words
The syntactical Scrooges also want to cast out "occupy," "amazing," "man cave" and "the new normal." In all, a dozen words or phrases made the 37th annual end-of-the year list. It started as a publicity ploy by the university on New Year's Day ...
WILX - HomePage - Headlines
3 Geeks and a Law Blog: Uncertainty and The New Normal
This lead me to conclude that Uncertainty is part-and-parcel of the New Normal. You might say … Duh, everyone knows that. But bear with me on an explanation ...
The new normal News, Video and Gossip - Jezebel
the new normal - Say Goodbye To 'Baby Bump' And 'Man Cave' · language english lake superior state university LSSU words banished amazing baby bump ...
New Normal News: Surviving in the new normal
That is the new normal, which is very unsettling. It will be a rolling crisis, a low- level fever for many more quarters, if not years,” he says, adding that markets need ...
Food Trends 2012 – CPG Brands Respond to New Normal Through ...
The new normal in food & beverages is defined as consumers trading down, cutting back and clipping coupons. Food & Beverage brands are opening up more ...
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