The New Normal Preview
Preview for the new NBC show "The New Normal." ... The New NormalPreview. Embed ...
The new normal
Herald Sun
THE TV ads in the country are more fun than those in the city: four-wheeler farm bikes, rodent extermination and Prime Possum, which acts as a quasi-parent, telling kids when it's time to go to bed.
Heat Wave: The New Normal?
Baltimore Magazine
Baltimore magazine and are Maryland's source for articles and blogs about arts, culture, travel, shopping, lifestyle, dining, nightlife, and more. Plus, annual Best Restaurants, Best of Baltimore, Top Doctors, Top Singles, and more.
New King County Sheriff Steven Strachan Says Police Contracts Save Money
The B-Town Blog (blog)
by Jack Mayne In an age of diminishing public finances, new King County Sheriff Steven Strachan sees it as the new normal that cities and counties will.
The B-Town Blog (blog)
Cash deals are the new normal in real estate
Sarasota Herald-Tribune
Cash deals — where individuals or investor groups whip out a checkbook to buy a home — now account for an unprecedented two-thirds of all Southwest Florida's residential deals.
Disneyland Resort Settling In To A New Normal
Crowd patterns at the Disneyland Resort are finally evening out. That sucking sound we heard at the opening of DCA11 years ago has stopped, and the distrib.
Officials worry that 'megafires' are becoming a 'new normal' in American West.
Alaska Dispatch
The worst has passed in Colorado, which recently faced the most destructive in wildfires in state history, but this is only a pause, according to the National Inter-Agency Fire Center (NIFC) in Boise, Idaho. Federal agencies in charge of fighting fires ...
Fitch issues REIT report quarterly for Q2
Applicable Criteria and Related Research: 2012 Midyear Outlook: U.S. Equity REITs 1Q12 U.S. Equity REIT Liquidity Update: Several Spigots U.S. REIT Margin Call: Remember the Capex U.S. Equity REITs Recalibrate Development for New Normal ...
Colorado 'megafire' highlights rise of longer, bigger, fiercer blazes
Christian Science Monitor
As Colorado wildfires come under control, fire officials turn their attention elsewhere, worried that this season's fierce megafires are becoming a 'new normal' in the American West.
Christian Science Monitor
Fitch Issues REIT Report Quarterly for 2Q'12
MarketWatch (press release)
... Fitch assigned one IDR, upgraded one issuer, affirmed the IDR of 14 issuers, and assigned 14 security-specific ratings among its rated universe. On June 28, 2012, Fitch published a report titled, 'U.S. Equity REIT's Recalibrate Development for New ...
Peterborough-Lakefield Police Services Board chairwoman Nancy Martin, Chief ...
Peterborough Examiner
... be disclosed because of security issues, Rodd said. “Their purview is whatever they determine it to be, except for giving directions on operational issues,” he said. “If this is the new normal, the new way forward, I guess it will be tested and ...
Needham & Company Reiterates a 'Strong Buy' on Seagate Technology (STX ... (subscription)
Nevertheless, despite normalcy and macro headwinds, STX continues to maintain GM of more than 30% for the balance of the calendar year...welcome to the new normal." Kugele raises FY12 EPS estimate from $6.56 to $6.68, but lowers FY13 from $8.91 to ...
Jill Zarin Joins 'Good Afternoon America': How Other Housewives Could Break ...
NeNe Leakes (The Real Housewives of Atlanta) has given us a taste of her attitude as swim coach Roz Washington on Glee, and she's set as a recurring character on NBC's new series The New Normal. And in case you haven't noticed, these housewives are...
Lawmakers: Utilities must face climate change reality
Gazette.Net: Maryland Community News Online
“The new normal is we are going to have these extreme weather events, and the economy can't withstand these disruptions,” said Sen. James C. Rosapepe (D-Dist. 21) of College Park. Rosapepe told Maryland Public Service Commission Chairman Douglas ...
The Real Jobs Crisis
Daily Beast
In short, this is our new normal; expect that to change only after many years, not months. There is also the needed caveat: these are statistics, based on surveys and massaged by formulas. They accurately capture the momentum, but not the precise ...
Daily Beast
US Consumers Maintained Their Modest Spending in June
This is in line with the "new normal" reduced spending in place since 2009, narrowly ranging from $58 to $76. High-Income Americans Reined in Spending in June. Average daily spending among upper-income Americans -- those earning $90000 or more ...
'Real Housewives of Atlanta:' NeNe Leakes mentions season #5 of hit show
Leakes will also star on yet another new show, "The New Normal." It is clear that she is currently enjoying much success, and her career is certainly flourishing. Advertisement. What do you think of what NeNe Leakes wrote on Twitter? Are you a fan of ...
Snapback: Stockton, Calif. and All the Cities to Follow
Business Insider
This "new normal" encouraged the belief that the stock market would double or triple every decade into the future, generating 8%+ annual returns for public union employee pension funds. 12. The city government granted employees open-ended guarantees ...
U.S. Consumer Spending is Unchanged in June
So far in 2012, Gallup revealed that average daily spending has ranged from $63 (in January and February) to $74 (in March), which is in line with the "new normal" in place since 2009, narrowly ranging from $58 to $76, according to Gallup. Daily ...
Minnesota Wild face suddenly lofty standards
Pioneer Press
This is the new normal for the Wild: more stability. Heightened interest. And loftier expectations. Assuming the NHL season starts on time, the Wild could have three former all-stars (Parise, Mikko Koivu and Dany Heatley) on their first line. They ...
Hunter wants new number as measure of unemployment rate
Human Events
One assumes, though, that Americans would soon become acclimated to new data points and regularly seeing an 8 percent unemployment rate—rather than, say 5 percent or 6 percent (should we be so lucky again)—would become the new normal.

Human Events
Jefferson Award Winner: Jenny Addis
MyFox Wausau
Jenny's new normal became talking with students and community groups about the dangers of drinking and driving, letting go of unhealthy relationships and overcoming life's challenges. "I will be that one person who tries to break down barrier. To make ...
Romney responds to Bain criticism
CBS News
We have now 8.2 percent unemployment in America. Crawford: Is that the new normal? Romney clarifies health care mandate position. Romney: It may be under this president, but I think we can do better -- a lot better. The president predicted that we'd be ...

CBS News
The time is right for the International Cybersecurity Dialogue
Computerworld (blog)
This has become the new normal, and few in society even pay attention to urgent Internet decrees or cyber proclamations. At a local level, some companies and governments have responded aggressively after a major cyber breach, and there is an overall ...
Lawmaker pushes fertility treatment help for vets
In 2008, the couple moved into a house and struck what Tracy calls a “new normal.” But the spark that initially attracted Tracy to Matt only returned two years later, when Tracy gave birth to twins. “The kids make their dad feel like the man he was ...
Monthly Real Estate Report: As of May, real estate lagging due to lack of big ...
Aspen Business Journal
“New, at the new normal, sells.” According to Estin's statistics, year-to-date dollar volume is down even further in the greater Aspen/Snowmass area (which includes Woody Creek and Old Snowmass)—25 percent—than in Pitkin County as a whole. Drilling ...
Put down the phone; real life abounds
Boston Globe
You grow used to the new normal until some carnivalesque flash of insight sharpens your awareness of how strange that new normal really is. That's what it's like to live through a great cultural and technological transformation. In the days after our ...
Voters No Longer Seeking Mr. Fix-It
ABC News (blog)
And they think the leadership solution is a much more local one in their communities and neighborhoods. This “reset” on the country's economic and leadership outlook of what might be anew normal could actually benefit Obama to a small degree. If ...
Rising Hegemon: The new normal?
By Attaturk
The new normal? As was noted here yesterday and I'm sure he's not the first one, FoxNews is always the first to declare "What Global Warming?" after a snow storm somehow do not seem to be pondering why it is so damn extraordinarily ...
Rising Hegemon
So far in 2012, Gallup revealed that average daily spending has ranged from $63 (in January and February) to $74 (in March), which is in line with the "new normal" in place since 2009, narrowly ranging from $58 to $76, according to Gallup. Daily ...
Minnesota Wild face suddenly lofty standards
Pioneer Press
This is the new normal for the Wild: more stability. Heightened interest. And loftier expectations. Assuming the NHL season starts on time, the Wild could have three former all-stars (Parise, Mikko Koivu and Dany Heatley) on their first line. They ...
Hunter wants new number as measure of unemployment rate
Human Events
One assumes, though, that Americans would soon become acclimated to new data points and regularly seeing an 8 percent unemployment rate—rather than, say 5 percent or 6 percent (should we be so lucky again)—would become the new normal.
Human Events
Jefferson Award Winner: Jenny Addis
MyFox Wausau
Jenny's new normal became talking with students and community groups about the dangers of drinking and driving, letting go of unhealthy relationships and overcoming life's challenges. "I will be that one person who tries to break down barrier. To make ...
Romney responds to Bain criticism
CBS News
We have now 8.2 percent unemployment in America. Crawford: Is that the new normal? Romney clarifies health care mandate position. Romney: It may be under this president, but I think we can do better -- a lot better. The president predicted that we'd be ...
CBS News
The time is right for the International Cybersecurity Dialogue
Computerworld (blog)
This has become the new normal, and few in society even pay attention to urgent Internet decrees or cyber proclamations. At a local level, some companies and governments have responded aggressively after a major cyber breach, and there is an overall ...
Lawmaker pushes fertility treatment help for vets
In 2008, the couple moved into a house and struck what Tracy calls a “new normal.” But the spark that initially attracted Tracy to Matt only returned two years later, when Tracy gave birth to twins. “The kids make their dad feel like the man he was ...
Monthly Real Estate Report: As of May, real estate lagging due to lack of big ...
Aspen Business Journal
“New, at the new normal, sells.” According to Estin's statistics, year-to-date dollar volume is down even further in the greater Aspen/Snowmass area (which includes Woody Creek and Old Snowmass)—25 percent—than in Pitkin County as a whole. Drilling ...
Put down the phone; real life abounds
Boston Globe
You grow used to the new normal until some carnivalesque flash of insight sharpens your awareness of how strange that new normal really is. That's what it's like to live through a great cultural and technological transformation. In the days after our ...
Voters No Longer Seeking Mr. Fix-It
ABC News (blog)
And they think the leadership solution is a much more local one in their communities and neighborhoods. This “reset” on the country's economic and leadership outlook of what might be anew normal could actually benefit Obama to a small degree. If ...
Rising Hegemon: The new normal?
By Attaturk
The new normal? As was noted here yesterday and I'm sure he's not the first one, FoxNews is always the first to declare "What Global Warming?" after a snow storm somehow do not seem to be pondering why it is so damn extraordinarily ...
Rising Hegemon
The New Normal, Bank of England Edition « uneconomical
By Britmouse
Is this the “new normal” for the MPC? 1. Do just enough QE and expectations management to keep the CPI rising somewhere around (or above?) a 2% rate. 2. If the CPI rate is too far above 2%, and no supply-side excuses can be found, stop ...
Disabilities, Deformities and Defining a New “Normal”
By Glenna Crooks
disabilities-deformities-and-defining-a-new-normal. In June's post, Danielle Moskow joined me for a discussion about our shared scoliosis diagnosis, her experience wearing a back brace and how she turned that into a book to help others.
Disruptive Women in Health Care
Failure of left-right sectarianism | Radical Shift
By Neela Bettridge
Chapter 6 of New Normal, Radical Shift reads: “The politics of the old normal is not working. Both left and right are geared towards maximising returns for their interest groups over the short term, ahead of the matter of long-term sustainability.
Radical Shift
By Neela Bettridge
Chapter 6 of New Normal, Radical Shift reads: “The politics of the old normal is not working. Both left and right are geared towards maximising returns for their interest groups over the short term, ahead of the matter of long-term sustainability.
Radical Shift - TEXT-Fitch issues REIT report quarterly for Q2
Recalibrate Development for New Normal.' Total U.S. REIT development pipelines. have been volatile over the last 10 years. After peaking in the fourth quarter. of 2007, development programs decreased sharply over the next two and a half ...
XE Forex News
Three Questions After the June Jobs Report -
Is this the new normal? Before the June jobs report was released, most economists had expected the payroll numbers to revert to something stronger, perhaps 150000 jobs per month, over the remaining months of the year. Weakness in May ...
No way out - Melissa Harris-Perry
By Kathleen Osborn
Entertainment Weekly recently deemed this “The New Age of Coming Out,” characterized by the “new normal,” consisting "of being plainspoken, clear, and truthful about who you are.” Now we can all thank goodness that we are living in the ...
Newsvine - Melissa Harris-Perry...
President Obama, on Campaign Trail, Promotes a Long View on ...
POLAND, Ohio – For President Obama, this is the new normal. On the heels of another anemic employment report, the president found himself acknowledging again that the economy was not generating enough jobs, that the recovery was not ...
The Caucus
The Show Me Librarian: Bulk Book Reviews: Upcoming Middle ...
By Amy
As Georges gets involved in Safer's increasingly risky surveillance scheme, he starts to adjust to hisnew normal and learn what it takes to stick up for himself--with bullies, with classmates, with friends, and with his family. This wonderful story is ...
The Show Me Librarian
Is President Obama Starting To Take Carville's Advice On The ...
By Pema Levy
Voters “know we are in a new normal where life is a struggle — and convincing them that things are good enough for those who have found jobs is a fool's errand,” they wrote. “They want to know the plans for making things better in a serious ...
TPM News
Have you caught the "extreme-titis" bug? : Disease Proof
By Emily Boller
Perhaps it's time for many of us to come out of hiding and establish new, normal traditions not only for the holidays, but for the office, places of worship, birthday and Super Bowl parties, cook-outs, bonfires, and all social gatherings. Perhaps ...
Disease Proof
Nobody Could Have Predicted | Bob Cesca's Awesome Blog! Go!
By JM Ashby
Not surprisingly, it turns out that refusing to raise taxes and firing your police and firefighting force instead is not a recipe for success now that we live in the new normal of record-breaking heat waves, drought, and wild fires. Bloomberg has an ...
Bob Cesca's Awesome Blog! Go!
The new normal? | Firedoglake
As was noted here yesterday and I'm sure he's not the first one, FoxNews is always the first to declare "What Global Warming?" after a snow storm somehow.
The new normal?: Grist's David 'Climate Nuremberg' Roberts ...
'IPCC made projections of sea-level rise based solely on the thermal expansion of the oceans. (As water warms, it expands.) That got them up to around a meter ...
Stilettopreneurs Rock: Your Identity Crisis Is The New Normal
Your Identity Crisis Is The New Normal. I'm a creative enthusiast, mother, educator, dreamer, change agent, wife, intuitive thinker, motivator, entrepreneur, ...
The New Normal | Find the Latest News on The New Normal, Music ...
The latest news on The New Normal is on BuzzSugar. On BuzzSugar you will find everything you need on movies, music and The New Normal.
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