The Paradoxical Scott Walker
WISC Madison
He has, in a lot of ways, created the new normal.” And for good reason, suggests Brandon Scholz, a veteran political strategist and Capitol lobbyist. He argues that the old liberal programs and regulations that might have worked in the past don't work ...

WISC Madison
WISC Madison
He has, in a lot of ways, created the new normal.” And for good reason, suggests Brandon Scholz, a veteran political strategist and Capitol lobbyist. He argues that the old liberal programs and regulations that might have worked in the past don't work ...
WISC Madison
The Dominion Post
OPINION: As I watch from my summer subtropical perch in Brisbane, Queensland, the somewhat unprecedented rains that deluged parts of Australia during the summer of 2010/11 have been replaced by sizzling heat waves this summer. ...
'Strange' is the new 'normal' for 2012
The Japan Times
By MICHAEL HOFFMAN Shaken by 2011, we face the blank slate that is 2012. Mankind's history of trying to read the future is very long. We've sought clues in animal entrails, the flight of birds, the pattern of tea leaves, the configuration of the stars. ...
2012 Detroit auto show preview: US automakers not the underdog anymore
Stability and profitability reflect the new normal for US automakers. It's a far cry from the trough of 2008 and 2009, when auto sales imploded in the wake of the global financial crisis, driving General Motors and Chrysler into bankruptcy with ...
A glimmer, and an opportunity
The Idaho Statesman
For three years, political leaders have told themselves that tough spending decisions are all part of the new normal. But this year, the newest new normal seems mundane by comparison. The state's surplus is projected at $77 million — a slender 3 ...
South Mississippi cornucopia
... Proud and Landry's Framing, according to Fulks' website) tells how Fulks and now-wife Christy rebounded after Katrina destroyed their original wedding plans and found a way to make their dream come true in the post-hurricane “new normal. ...
The Capitalist Manifesto
Business 2 Community
By Bob James, Published January 8, 2012 “A manifesto about the end of the mass market,” Seth Godin's latest book, We Are All Weird, asks you to accept that “weird is the new normal.” To be weird is to demand a vast choice of products. ...
Business 2 Community
Kelly: Raptors coach at loss for words after Philly meltdown
Toronto Star
Beforehand, Casey wanted proof that Friday night's wobble at home against New Jersey was not the new normal. “I thought our disposition (in the Friday night loss to the Nets) was similar to last year. We can't let that slip in,” Casey warned his team. ...
Sound Advice
Buffalo News
"There are people waiting for things to go back to normal, but the reality is that this is the new normal, and things aren't going to go back to the way they were," said Randaccio. In order to react to the fast and furious changes coming down the pike ...
Buffalo News
Retiring Sen. Wampler recalls legacy of bipartisanship
Middle East North Africa Financial Network
"I think the slowdown in the economy in 2008 put the brakes on any number of things and I don't know when we'll recover and others will recover and find the new normal," Wampler said. More than 50 hospitals, clinics and doctor's offices across the ...
Traffic lights turning green
Chief Financial Officer Alan Graf told analysts last month that volatility of trade flows is "as high as it's ever been and we think it's going to be the new normal." Business inventories are tight as companies reduce excess stock, he said, ...
Study sheds light on same-sex tax disparity
“Cohabitation is the new normal and that's unlikely to change,” he said. With married couples currently receiving larger standard deductions, credits and benefits by filing their taxes jointly, he said most of the people living together will not reap ...
Columbia Daily Tribune
In “The New Normal: An Agenda for Responsible Living” (St. Martin's Griffin, 2011), Wann proposes a new agenda for living that includes responsible interface with our fellow humans and our planet. “The Nature Principle: Human Restoration and the End of...
Columbia Daily Tribune
Time to lock in mortgage rates?
Calgary Herald
I think variable at prime is the new normal. They won't go higher unless we get a new crisis," says Tal, adding that banks were not making much money on variable-rate mortgages with the steep discounts, so they backed away from them. ...
For Bond Investors, a Year to Tread Carefully
New York Times
Mr. Stolper predicted that someday, perhaps soon, the “new normal will be trend-line economic growth of 2 percent or greater,” leading to higher stock prices and dividends, as well as higher interest rates. With that, he continued, prices of bonds and ...
Historians Reflect on Forces Reshaping Their Profession
Chronicle of Higher Education (subscription)
But Mr. Bender said that the profession must also acknowledge "a new normal" of disinvestment in higher education and a decline in humanities enrollments. Mr. Grafton and Mr. Grossman's think-beyond-academe advice won't get much traction until ...
6 Big Themes For 2012
Seeking Alpha
But let's give capitalism some credit: US businesspeople have proven adept at competing in the “new normal.” Recent manufacturing and consumer spending data have been strong. US exporters have done well in emerging markets, and US banks took advantage ...
Banished words | Language Museum
By Michelle
The new normal 8. Pet parent 9. Win the future 10. Trickeration 11. Ginormous 12. Thank you in advance. These are pretty America-centric, particularly “trickeration” (it's a term used by American football analysts apparently). I definitely have to ...
Language Museum
Life as a Nomad | Preserving the Dance Theatre of Harlem Archives
By katkimbell
I'm still living out of boxes, but life as a nomad is now my new normal. I'm thankful for those that have made the past seven months a little easier and a little less nomad-ish. I found out in late May I would be working at DTH, a mere three weeks ...
Preserving the Dance Theatre...
What's different now « BlueBattingHelmet
By sirrahh
Players like Anthony Rizzo and Ian Stewart and Travis Wood are becoming the new normal, and higher-priced veterans like Zambrano are becoming a thing of the past. Aramis Ramirez may have seen the writing on the wall when he left for ...
Misunderstanding Assisted Dying « Choice in Dying
By Eric MacDonald
Daniel James, for example, of whom Miedema states, without a shred of evidence, that he died because he was depressed, and that many people like him have been able to achieve a state which he calls the “new normal,” and have even ...
Choice in Dying
The new tom leykis: 'What we are doing is cutting edge ...
By michael hood
He's amused himself in the meantime doing a wine show called The Tasting Room with Tom Leykis for the last seven years, and created a new enterprise called The New Normal, which includes 24/7 Internet music streams. For all his crude ...
The New Normal and Tigers sex addiction
How could those two things be related? The priceless combination of Mike's baby -caused sleep-deprived state and Rick's witty plug for his forthcoming tome, ...
5 Markers of the New Normal in Missions | Urbana
Paul Borthwick was 19 years old, attending his first Urbana Student Missions Conference, when he realized that God spoke with an accent. Listening to the Bible ...
Dinner at the Square... The New Normal - Events - We the Wiki
Dinner at the Square... The New Normal. Dinner at the Square. Click HERE to purchase a ticket. There are a limited number of reduced price scholarship tickets ...
A 'New Normal' After Tucson Attack
Wall Street Journal
She said during such times of stress she recalls a conversation with her pastor. "I just want everything to go back to normal," she had told him. "This is the new normal," he replied. "There's no going back." KENCAROL_8.

Wall Street Journal
New year brings new chapter for Judge Jones
“I have to move to the `new normal,' as it has been described to me,” he said. “The normal is no more. I keep reaching for a normal that no longer exists.” The day started in his old normal by rising to make coffee for Lil and bring her the newspaper. ...
Romney Times Four
New York Times
But in an age when complicated, messy families increasingly seem like the new normal, there was a sense four years ago that the Romney brothers were too strapping, too wholesome and too perfect somehow. “I wish that were true,” Tagg said....

New York Times
How Coal India's new pricing policy to impact cement stocks
Elevated cost structure might become the new normal: We believe that CIL's coal price hike of 28% has intensified cost headwinds for the sector which could mean that the Elevated cost structure might become the 'New Normal' for the sector. ...
University research grants scrapped by Liberals
Toronto Star
“We are in a new normal now when it comes to new programs,” said Economic Development Minister Brad Duguid on Friday. Soon after the Oct. 6 election, Premier Dalton McGuinty was forced to downsize his cabinet after winning a minority — only 53 seats ...
Back in New Hampshire, Romney keeps focus on Obama
In a statement released earlier this afternoon, Romney said "of course its good news" that the rate had dropped, but he would refuse to accept the "new normal" of unemployment above eight percent. The latest NBC/Marist poll, released tonight, ...
Hollywood picks new city manager
Orlando Sentinel
"Unfortunately, there is a new normal we all have to live with. The resources are simply not there to do business as it was done before," Hewett answered. "My age allows me to be more adaptable and flexible to deal with that new normal. ...

Orlando Sentinel
Debate night undercard: Good Newt vs. Bad Newt
He seemed to believe he had helped set a New Normal in politics with his revived campaign, left for dead earlier this year. Newt Gingrich is shown at two Republican presidential debates . | AP Photos.

Sunday Dialogue: Do We Live in a Less Deadly Time, or Not?
New York Times
Nor did the mid-20th-century genocides become the new normal. While the world has seen some horrific mass killings, the global rate of death from genocide has plummeted over the decades, and may now be at an all-time low. Estimates of the carnage ...
Economic team forecasts modest growth for Columbia County
Coast River Business Journal
Companies reportedly were adjusting to the “new normal” of stagnant growth. They were looking to innovation, productivity gains and opportunities in foreign markets to drive them forward. During its Nov. 8 meeting, CCET awarded its New Business of the ...
Beloved and bright, River View's Hamilin comes home
Mid Columbia Tri City Herald
This type of red-carpet treatment might be the new normal for Hamlin, but there has been familiar comfort too. "The only time it was normal (upon returning to school) was being with the senior class," she said. "It didn't feel like I was bald or ...
Film Critic Readies for Second Act
Wall Street Journal
There has been a crisis that has been going on so long that it's the new normal. There are fewer and fewer print venues for criticism. People who are in this profession feel marginalized, but that's because of something larger than film criticism: It's ...

Wall Street Journal
Lawmakers fear nationwide PE cuts are too steep
Bellingham Herald
“But we are also faced with living in the new normal.” Members of Congress are offering many different plans in an attempt to get kids exercising more. The FIT Kids Act co-sponsored by Smith – short for the Fitness Integrated with Teaching Kids Act ...

Bellingham Herald
Teaching more with less
Long Beach Press-Telegram
"Increasing degree and certificate attainment with less support is the new normal." To help set clear goals for student achievement, the college has developed a master plan that is the result of a yearlong effort by faculty and staff. ...
Conveying the true feelings of disaster victims
Mainichi Daily News
... a reporter: conveying the feelings of people in disaster areas -- feelings which follow that word "but," and continuing to write articles in the hope that people in disaster areas will be able to return to a new "normal life" as soon as possible. ...

Mainichi Daily News
Faith sustains walk through son's divorce
Buffalo News
He was now ready to begin the new normal. His faith in God sustained him, and after many "three steps forward, two steps back" times, as well as help from our church's divorce care program, he is more accepting of his circumstances and, in fact, ...

Buffalo News
To The Point
Lansing State Journal
This year's contenders included baby bump, man cave and the increasingly tired phrase "the new normal." Then came a list from Wayne State University, which takes an alternate approach by trying to revive lesser-used words that could add more nuance, ...
Governments and businesses under-prepared for 'Black Swan' events, says ...
Business Intelligence Middle East (press release)
Bernice Lee, a report author, says: 'The frequency of HILP events in the last decade such as Hurricane Katrina, the Deepwater Horizon oil disaster and the nuclear crisis and tsunami in Japan signals the emergence of a new 'normal' – the beginning of a ...

Business Intelligence Middle East (press release)
Dinner at the Square... The New Normal. Dinner at the Square. Click HERE to purchase a ticket. There are a limited number of reduced price scholarship tickets ...
A 'New Normal' After Tucson Attack
Wall Street Journal
She said during such times of stress she recalls a conversation with her pastor. "I just want everything to go back to normal," she had told him. "This is the new normal," he replied. "There's no going back." KENCAROL_8.
Wall Street Journal
New year brings new chapter for Judge Jones
“I have to move to the `new normal,' as it has been described to me,” he said. “The normal is no more. I keep reaching for a normal that no longer exists.” The day started in his old normal by rising to make coffee for Lil and bring her the newspaper. ...
Romney Times Four
New York Times
But in an age when complicated, messy families increasingly seem like the new normal, there was a sense four years ago that the Romney brothers were too strapping, too wholesome and too perfect somehow. “I wish that were true,” Tagg said....
New York Times
How Coal India's new pricing policy to impact cement stocks
Elevated cost structure might become the new normal: We believe that CIL's coal price hike of 28% has intensified cost headwinds for the sector which could mean that the Elevated cost structure might become the 'New Normal' for the sector. ...
University research grants scrapped by Liberals
Toronto Star
“We are in a new normal now when it comes to new programs,” said Economic Development Minister Brad Duguid on Friday. Soon after the Oct. 6 election, Premier Dalton McGuinty was forced to downsize his cabinet after winning a minority — only 53 seats ...
Back in New Hampshire, Romney keeps focus on Obama
In a statement released earlier this afternoon, Romney said "of course its good news" that the rate had dropped, but he would refuse to accept the "new normal" of unemployment above eight percent. The latest NBC/Marist poll, released tonight, ...
Hollywood picks new city manager
Orlando Sentinel
"Unfortunately, there is a new normal we all have to live with. The resources are simply not there to do business as it was done before," Hewett answered. "My age allows me to be more adaptable and flexible to deal with that new normal. ...
Orlando Sentinel
Debate night undercard: Good Newt vs. Bad Newt
He seemed to believe he had helped set a New Normal in politics with his revived campaign, left for dead earlier this year. Newt Gingrich is shown at two Republican presidential debates . | AP Photos.
Sunday Dialogue: Do We Live in a Less Deadly Time, or Not?
New York Times
Nor did the mid-20th-century genocides become the new normal. While the world has seen some horrific mass killings, the global rate of death from genocide has plummeted over the decades, and may now be at an all-time low. Estimates of the carnage ...
Economic team forecasts modest growth for Columbia County
Coast River Business Journal
Companies reportedly were adjusting to the “new normal” of stagnant growth. They were looking to innovation, productivity gains and opportunities in foreign markets to drive them forward. During its Nov. 8 meeting, CCET awarded its New Business of the ...
Beloved and bright, River View's Hamilin comes home
Mid Columbia Tri City Herald
This type of red-carpet treatment might be the new normal for Hamlin, but there has been familiar comfort too. "The only time it was normal (upon returning to school) was being with the senior class," she said. "It didn't feel like I was bald or ...
Film Critic Readies for Second Act
Wall Street Journal
There has been a crisis that has been going on so long that it's the new normal. There are fewer and fewer print venues for criticism. People who are in this profession feel marginalized, but that's because of something larger than film criticism: It's ...
Wall Street Journal
Lawmakers fear nationwide PE cuts are too steep
Bellingham Herald
“But we are also faced with living in the new normal.” Members of Congress are offering many different plans in an attempt to get kids exercising more. The FIT Kids Act co-sponsored by Smith – short for the Fitness Integrated with Teaching Kids Act ...
Bellingham Herald
Teaching more with less
Long Beach Press-Telegram
"Increasing degree and certificate attainment with less support is the new normal." To help set clear goals for student achievement, the college has developed a master plan that is the result of a yearlong effort by faculty and staff. ...
Conveying the true feelings of disaster victims
Mainichi Daily News
... a reporter: conveying the feelings of people in disaster areas -- feelings which follow that word "but," and continuing to write articles in the hope that people in disaster areas will be able to return to a new "normal life" as soon as possible. ...
Mainichi Daily News
Faith sustains walk through son's divorce
Buffalo News
He was now ready to begin the new normal. His faith in God sustained him, and after many "three steps forward, two steps back" times, as well as help from our church's divorce care program, he is more accepting of his circumstances and, in fact, ...
Buffalo News
To The Point
Lansing State Journal
This year's contenders included baby bump, man cave and the increasingly tired phrase "the new normal." Then came a list from Wayne State University, which takes an alternate approach by trying to revive lesser-used words that could add more nuance, ...
Governments and businesses under-prepared for 'Black Swan' events, says ...
Business Intelligence Middle East (press release)
Bernice Lee, a report author, says: 'The frequency of HILP events in the last decade such as Hurricane Katrina, the Deepwater Horizon oil disaster and the nuclear crisis and tsunami in Japan signals the emergence of a new 'normal' – the beginning of a ...
Business Intelligence Middle East (press release)
How might the USA adjust to “narco-refugees” from Mexico? | Geo ...
1. the “new normal”, in which drug-related violence in the USA and Mexico becomes “a fact of life in relations between the two countries”, as drug gang and cartel activities spread into the USA along the corridors used to transport drugs. ...
Geo-Mexico, the geography of Mexico
1. the “new normal”, in which drug-related violence in the USA and Mexico becomes “a fact of life in relations between the two countries”, as drug gang and cartel activities spread into the USA along the corridors used to transport drugs. ...
Geo-Mexico, the geography of Mexico
AHA Day 2: A disaster of biblical proportions. « More or Less Bunk
By Jonathan Rees
It's pretty clear from the panel I went to that entirely online teaching is already there, and that we really need to be careful that this doesn't become the new normal for all forms of higher education. I'm pretty sure that this is going to end up being ...
More or Less Bunk
The New Normal
International motivational speaker, original "Cool Runnings" Jamaican Bobsledder and 3-time Olympian, Devon Harris relates what it took to overcome the ...
Empowering wounded warriors to establish a 'new normal' | Article ...
Halfway along a 24-mile bike route through the German countryside of Rheinland Pfalz, Staff Sgt. Barry Homberg took a break from pedaling to refuel and reflect ...
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