Edmonton Journal
Deeper recessions and more gradual recoveries will be the norm rather than the exception as the US workforce grows at a slower pace, according to economists on the panel that determines when slumps begin and end. The typical contraction "will have ...
'Delevering' and our desperate need for some wins
Chicago Tribune
But instead of proposing solutions that would deliver us from these multiple crises, our leaders are throwing up their hands and asking us to accept this as the new normal - or what Bill Gross has termed "the paranormal." Such a response would have ...
Amazing Stats from the March 2012 'Heat Wave'
The unusual warmth has many questioning why, and wondering if this could end up being thenew normal. From climate change to ocean temperatures to debris from last year's tsunami, Jillian MacMath has more on the theories offered up by AccuWeather.com's ...
South Asia slow down: is this a blip or the new normal?
Insurance Insight
South Asia is probably the region of the world most acutely aware of the interconnectedness of growth prospects across countries in the developed and developing world. Whether interests are services trade in India, throughput in Singapore and Malaysia, ...

Insurance Insight
US Feb new home sales 0.313m vs 0.325m exp
ForexLive (blog)
... on home sales. you should forget about this thing already for god's sake. this is like a 60 years old baby-boomer statistics. get used to the new normal. who should by new homes – retirees and the unemployed? you have an overcapacity like hell.
Commodity EDGE: Initial Reflections on Our First Big Event
Spend Matters
Earlier this week, Spend Matters and MetalMiner collaborated to hold our first big event -- Commodity EDGE: Sourcing Intelligence for the New Normal. It was a packed two days with just over 100 attendees and our team did a great job putting everything ...
Allianz reiterates profit target
"Extreme market volatility now seems to be the "new normal" for the global economy," Diekmann wrote. Allianz, Europe's largest primary insurer by market value and premium income, said operating profit this year should be between EUR7.7 billion and ...
Shock Jock Tom Leykis Returns After Three Year Absence...But Not to Radio
San Francisco Chronicle (press release)
So Leykis, as he has so many times in his career, decided to reinvent himself as an entrepreneur, creating his internet audio content company The New Normal(www.newnormalnetwork.com) in 2010. Leykis says that, rather than feeling like punishment, ...
Recovery from recession modest, slow, economist says
Montgomery Advertiser
“What I've been telling people is that this is the new normal. Get used to it. We're not going to go back to what we had in 2005 or 2006.” Many of those in attendance hoped for better news but feared worse from the economic authority.
Budget could get worse if initiative isn't passed
The Collegian
“The new normal for Fresno State has resulted in a markedly different funding model.” Although there may be further changes, Welty said that there will be several that will take place as soon as fall 2012. Along with not admitting students for the 2013 ...
Werner, TD Ameritrade Leaders Talk Jobs
Leathers says--in a way--"flat" has become the new normal for many businesses. "We have been adding jobs or should I say hiring over the last year and a half but not as robust or quickly as we once were able to," said Leathers.
Five Reasons to Watch "The Descent" Tonight
IFC (blog)
The second horror feature from “Dog Soldiers” writer/director Neil Marshall, the story follows the friends trying to find a new normal after a devastating car crash the year before. Sarah (Shauna Macdonald) is lured to the States by her friend Beth ...

IFC (blog)
Why Occupy Needs to Start Making Demands
RollingStone.com (blog)
Forlornly, she replied, "I'm afraid people are beginning to accept the current economic situation a 'new normal.' You know – that it's okay in a family to work two or three jobs, four jobs between the family, hopefully maybe one of them covers ...

RollingStone.com (blog)
NCAA Tournament 2012: Sullinger vs. Gates Is a Clash Between Old and New Bigs
Bleacher Report
The archetypal big man in the style of Patrick Ewing or Shaquille O'Neal is fading, and players like Sullinger are becoming the new normal. He is comparable to Gates in size, but Sullinger's game is more Kevin Love than Kevin McHale.

Bleacher Report
Gold-Stock Panic Levels
Gold Seek
This next chart considers 2009 on, the “New Normal” as elite bond investor Mohamed El-Erian likes to call it. In addition to the first chart's data, this one adds a third series that shows where the HUI would hypothetically be trading if the HGR mean ...
Sentance sees poor growth lasting three years
Money Marketing
He said Western economies, including the UK, are adapting to “the new normal”. Sentance added: “The first phase of this new normal is the continuation of the current pattern of disappointing growth and volatility. That does not mean growth cannot pick ...
Wounded Warrior Dreams of Home
MyFox Memphis
"I have no doubt in my mind that I'll be home soon, but it's a long process just to find my new normal." Brown's "new normal" will include prosthetics for both legs and he'll have to learn how to walk again. He is still in ICU at Walter Reed, ...

MyFox Memphis
BOE Weale: Sees Positive, Better-Than-Expected Q1 Growth
MNI News
... which saw volumes fall sharply in February, with revisions showing the previously reported boom in January sales was illusory. The MPC member also said that local businesses had come to terms with the fact "uncertainty is the new normal".
Nigerian woman swallows 180 pellets (2kg) of heroin, breaks record for ...
A US government official said, "The amount of pellets and heroin this woman ingested is incredible, a serious health risk, and very troubling if these numbers become the new normal. We're hopeful that this arrest sends a strong signal that CBP officers ...
The state of BYOD
SC Magazine
A multiplatform environment where some devices are personal and others are corporate-owned is the "new normal." Over the last two years, IT has seen its role change from one that is proactive and in control of technology implementations to one that is ...
Swiss Franc Cap Remains Center Of SNB's Policy Agenda - Danthine
"It should also be noted by borrowers, especially long-term borrowers, such as those active in the [Swiss] mortgage market, and it is inappropriate to consider the current low rates as representative of a so-called new normal," Danthine said.
Mortgage rates jump above 4% to 3-month high
My bet is that this is the new normal. There are still treasures to be found if you are looking for a steal. You just have to make friends with the most aggressive, hungry real estate professional you can find and look harder.
SNB's Danthine:To Enforce FX Target;No Policy Change On Libor
MNI News
"It is inappropriate to consider the current low rates as representative of a so-called new normal," he said. Danthine also assured that the SNB does not expect that "the current period of central bank activism will be followed by a resurgence of ...
A whirlwind vist to the SouthLeast -- NHL's weakest division again in 2011-12
Edmonton Journal (blog)
Here are the cumulative records of the six divisions through games of March 21, ranked in order of goal differential: Every division seems to be over .500, but that is the new normal under the unbalanced standings. Still, the SE has the fewest wins and ...
Nigerian woman sets smuggling world record for heroin ingested
Christopher Hess, director of Customs and Border Patrol for Washington DC said: "The amount of pellets and heroin this woman ingested is incredible, a serious health risk, and very troubling if these numbers become the new normal.

A fast track from oil dependence
Climate Spectator
If $US200/barrel becomes the new normal, Spain's import bill will balloon to $100 billion. If they were as oil-intensive as Australia, it would approach $150 billion. This is comparable in magnitude to their 2011 budget deficit of over $110 billion ...
Le Nouveau Normale - By Justin Vaïsse | Foreign Policy
Would the U.S. ever give up its World Bank monopoly? BY DAVID BOSCO. ARGUMENT · France's new normal. BY JUSTIN VAISSE. OIL AND GLORY · The threat of prison is another risk of oil exploration. BY STEVE LEVINE. PASSPORT ...
Foreign Policy
Transformation in the New Normal — The Santa Fe Group
By Kelly Wagner
... and other critical infrastructure companies. Home · About · Capabilities · Contact · White Papers · Our Consultants · News · Events · Upcoming events · Webinars · Past events. You are here: Home / News / Transformation in the New Normal ...
The Santa Fe Group
Calculated Risk: New Home Sales Decline, Housing Market ...
By Shaun Kenney
3% GDP growth will more than likely be the “new normal” for a few years until the American consumer finally pays down their credit card debt. Once that happens in late 2013… the inflationary pressures of two rounds of qualitative easing ...
Shaun Kenney
Normal Mode Simulation in Real Time | Guy and Seth on Simulink
By Guy Rouleau
In R2012a, Real-Time Windows Target offers two modes for executing Simulink models in real time: The classic External Mode and the new Normal Mode. External.
Guy and Seth on Simulink
Solid Foundations of China's Mass-Market Developers | Education ...
By GaryMetzger
There's a new normal in China's property sector, and it favors mass-market developers over their luxury rivals. For two years, China's government has waged a war against real-estate speculators and the high-end developers that build for ...
Education And Training
Student Debt Crisis Intensifies | Occupy 2012
By Nick Mirzoeff
Students counter that nonetheless lower-income students will be deterred from college and that once the idea of substantial increases is conceded, they will become the new normal. Their resistance today has included shutting down the port ...
Occupy 2012
The Hypothermic Cloud Infrastructure: Maintaining the Blood Flow to ...
By Rick Blaisdell
While the engineering staff continues the investigation into why the application suddenly went batshi…er, crazy, the policy engine examines the characteristics of the running application and might determine that this is the “new normal” and ...
Mining for Gold, and Pharma Social Media « Impactiviti blog
By Steve Woodruff
But for pharmaceutical companies to begin to evolve into true social businesses – that is, to compete in the “new normal” world – there is a core perspective that needs to be embraced at the highest level. Social media is predicated on the ...
Impactiviti blog
RealClearMarkets - The Instability of Monetary Conformity
By Jeffrey Snider, RealClearMarkets
In the "new normal" of constant intervention, there are no broad interpretations and opinions of prices and conditions since central bank policies only allow one "correct" viewpoint. However, as in the case of Greece or perceptions of the global ...
Recovery from recession modest, slow, economist says | AIDT
By Heather Holladay
“What I've been telling people is that this is the new normal. Get used to it. We're not going to go back to what we had in 2005 or 2006.” Many of those in attendance hoped for better news but feared worse from the economic authority.
BOE Weale: Sees Positive, Better-Than-Expected Q1 Growth
By Market News International
which saw volumes fall sharply in February, with revisions showing the previously reported boom in January sales was illusory. The MPC member also said that local businesses had come to terms with the fact “uncertainty is the new normal”.
Forex Bloggers
Despite Improving Economy, Many States Keep their Budget Axes ...
Remarking on the matter, Delaware Governor Jack Markell (D), who also serves as the vice-chairman of the National Governors Association, said “I think the new normal is that we are every single year going to have to be very much focused ...
Texas Public Policy Foundation...
Outside My Window » The New Normal
One day does not a summer make but a week of June-like weather is mighty convincing. Though I'm thrilled to be wearing summer clothes in mid-March it ...
Peter Hinssen: "The New Normal" - YouTube
Auf dem 11.FI-TS Management-Forum 2012 gab Peter Hinssen, Autor und Managing ...
A New Normal - MyGiftedLife
Life is so much fun lately discovering the limits of my own mind. It's amazing what aspects of life intelligence can affect and make better when you can learn…
Follow @NewNormalNews
Chicago Tribune
But instead of proposing solutions that would deliver us from these multiple crises, our leaders are throwing up their hands and asking us to accept this as the new normal - or what Bill Gross has termed "the paranormal." Such a response would have ...
Amazing Stats from the March 2012 'Heat Wave'
The unusual warmth has many questioning why, and wondering if this could end up being thenew normal. From climate change to ocean temperatures to debris from last year's tsunami, Jillian MacMath has more on the theories offered up by AccuWeather.com's ...
South Asia slow down: is this a blip or the new normal?
Insurance Insight
South Asia is probably the region of the world most acutely aware of the interconnectedness of growth prospects across countries in the developed and developing world. Whether interests are services trade in India, throughput in Singapore and Malaysia, ...
Insurance Insight
US Feb new home sales 0.313m vs 0.325m exp
ForexLive (blog)
... on home sales. you should forget about this thing already for god's sake. this is like a 60 years old baby-boomer statistics. get used to the new normal. who should by new homes – retirees and the unemployed? you have an overcapacity like hell.
Commodity EDGE: Initial Reflections on Our First Big Event
Spend Matters
Earlier this week, Spend Matters and MetalMiner collaborated to hold our first big event -- Commodity EDGE: Sourcing Intelligence for the New Normal. It was a packed two days with just over 100 attendees and our team did a great job putting everything ...
Allianz reiterates profit target
"Extreme market volatility now seems to be the "new normal" for the global economy," Diekmann wrote. Allianz, Europe's largest primary insurer by market value and premium income, said operating profit this year should be between EUR7.7 billion and ...
Shock Jock Tom Leykis Returns After Three Year Absence...But Not to Radio
San Francisco Chronicle (press release)
So Leykis, as he has so many times in his career, decided to reinvent himself as an entrepreneur, creating his internet audio content company The New Normal(www.newnormalnetwork.com) in 2010. Leykis says that, rather than feeling like punishment, ...
Recovery from recession modest, slow, economist says
Montgomery Advertiser
“What I've been telling people is that this is the new normal. Get used to it. We're not going to go back to what we had in 2005 or 2006.” Many of those in attendance hoped for better news but feared worse from the economic authority.
Budget could get worse if initiative isn't passed
The Collegian
“The new normal for Fresno State has resulted in a markedly different funding model.” Although there may be further changes, Welty said that there will be several that will take place as soon as fall 2012. Along with not admitting students for the 2013 ...
Werner, TD Ameritrade Leaders Talk Jobs
Leathers says--in a way--"flat" has become the new normal for many businesses. "We have been adding jobs or should I say hiring over the last year and a half but not as robust or quickly as we once were able to," said Leathers.
Five Reasons to Watch "The Descent" Tonight
IFC (blog)
The second horror feature from “Dog Soldiers” writer/director Neil Marshall, the story follows the friends trying to find a new normal after a devastating car crash the year before. Sarah (Shauna Macdonald) is lured to the States by her friend Beth ...
IFC (blog)
Why Occupy Needs to Start Making Demands
RollingStone.com (blog)
Forlornly, she replied, "I'm afraid people are beginning to accept the current economic situation a 'new normal.' You know – that it's okay in a family to work two or three jobs, four jobs between the family, hopefully maybe one of them covers ...
RollingStone.com (blog)
NCAA Tournament 2012: Sullinger vs. Gates Is a Clash Between Old and New Bigs
Bleacher Report
The archetypal big man in the style of Patrick Ewing or Shaquille O'Neal is fading, and players like Sullinger are becoming the new normal. He is comparable to Gates in size, but Sullinger's game is more Kevin Love than Kevin McHale.
Bleacher Report
Gold-Stock Panic Levels
Gold Seek
This next chart considers 2009 on, the “New Normal” as elite bond investor Mohamed El-Erian likes to call it. In addition to the first chart's data, this one adds a third series that shows where the HUI would hypothetically be trading if the HGR mean ...
Sentance sees poor growth lasting three years
Money Marketing
He said Western economies, including the UK, are adapting to “the new normal”. Sentance added: “The first phase of this new normal is the continuation of the current pattern of disappointing growth and volatility. That does not mean growth cannot pick ...
Wounded Warrior Dreams of Home
MyFox Memphis
"I have no doubt in my mind that I'll be home soon, but it's a long process just to find my new normal." Brown's "new normal" will include prosthetics for both legs and he'll have to learn how to walk again. He is still in ICU at Walter Reed, ...
MyFox Memphis
BOE Weale: Sees Positive, Better-Than-Expected Q1 Growth
MNI News
... which saw volumes fall sharply in February, with revisions showing the previously reported boom in January sales was illusory. The MPC member also said that local businesses had come to terms with the fact "uncertainty is the new normal".
Nigerian woman swallows 180 pellets (2kg) of heroin, breaks record for ...
A US government official said, "The amount of pellets and heroin this woman ingested is incredible, a serious health risk, and very troubling if these numbers become the new normal. We're hopeful that this arrest sends a strong signal that CBP officers ...
The state of BYOD
SC Magazine
A multiplatform environment where some devices are personal and others are corporate-owned is the "new normal." Over the last two years, IT has seen its role change from one that is proactive and in control of technology implementations to one that is ...
Swiss Franc Cap Remains Center Of SNB's Policy Agenda - Danthine
"It should also be noted by borrowers, especially long-term borrowers, such as those active in the [Swiss] mortgage market, and it is inappropriate to consider the current low rates as representative of a so-called new normal," Danthine said.
Mortgage rates jump above 4% to 3-month high
My bet is that this is the new normal. There are still treasures to be found if you are looking for a steal. You just have to make friends with the most aggressive, hungry real estate professional you can find and look harder.
SNB's Danthine:To Enforce FX Target;No Policy Change On Libor
MNI News
"It is inappropriate to consider the current low rates as representative of a so-called new normal," he said. Danthine also assured that the SNB does not expect that "the current period of central bank activism will be followed by a resurgence of ...
A whirlwind vist to the SouthLeast -- NHL's weakest division again in 2011-12
Edmonton Journal (blog)
Here are the cumulative records of the six divisions through games of March 21, ranked in order of goal differential: Every division seems to be over .500, but that is the new normal under the unbalanced standings. Still, the SE has the fewest wins and ...
Nigerian woman sets smuggling world record for heroin ingested
Christopher Hess, director of Customs and Border Patrol for Washington DC said: "The amount of pellets and heroin this woman ingested is incredible, a serious health risk, and very troubling if these numbers become the new normal.
A fast track from oil dependence
Climate Spectator
If $US200/barrel becomes the new normal, Spain's import bill will balloon to $100 billion. If they were as oil-intensive as Australia, it would approach $150 billion. This is comparable in magnitude to their 2011 budget deficit of over $110 billion ...
Le Nouveau Normale - By Justin Vaïsse | Foreign Policy
Would the U.S. ever give up its World Bank monopoly? BY DAVID BOSCO. ARGUMENT · France's new normal. BY JUSTIN VAISSE. OIL AND GLORY · The threat of prison is another risk of oil exploration. BY STEVE LEVINE. PASSPORT ...
Foreign Policy
Transformation in the New Normal — The Santa Fe Group
By Kelly Wagner
... and other critical infrastructure companies. Home · About · Capabilities · Contact · White Papers · Our Consultants · News · Events · Upcoming events · Webinars · Past events. You are here: Home / News / Transformation in the New Normal ...
The Santa Fe Group
Calculated Risk: New Home Sales Decline, Housing Market ...
By Shaun Kenney
3% GDP growth will more than likely be the “new normal” for a few years until the American consumer finally pays down their credit card debt. Once that happens in late 2013… the inflationary pressures of two rounds of qualitative easing ...
Shaun Kenney
Normal Mode Simulation in Real Time | Guy and Seth on Simulink
By Guy Rouleau
In R2012a, Real-Time Windows Target offers two modes for executing Simulink models in real time: The classic External Mode and the new Normal Mode. External.
Guy and Seth on Simulink
Solid Foundations of China's Mass-Market Developers | Education ...
By GaryMetzger
There's a new normal in China's property sector, and it favors mass-market developers over their luxury rivals. For two years, China's government has waged a war against real-estate speculators and the high-end developers that build for ...
Education And Training
Student Debt Crisis Intensifies | Occupy 2012
By Nick Mirzoeff
Students counter that nonetheless lower-income students will be deterred from college and that once the idea of substantial increases is conceded, they will become the new normal. Their resistance today has included shutting down the port ...
Occupy 2012
The Hypothermic Cloud Infrastructure: Maintaining the Blood Flow to ...
By Rick Blaisdell
While the engineering staff continues the investigation into why the application suddenly went batshi…er, crazy, the policy engine examines the characteristics of the running application and might determine that this is the “new normal” and ...
Mining for Gold, and Pharma Social Media « Impactiviti blog
By Steve Woodruff
But for pharmaceutical companies to begin to evolve into true social businesses – that is, to compete in the “new normal” world – there is a core perspective that needs to be embraced at the highest level. Social media is predicated on the ...
Impactiviti blog
RealClearMarkets - The Instability of Monetary Conformity
By Jeffrey Snider, RealClearMarkets
In the "new normal" of constant intervention, there are no broad interpretations and opinions of prices and conditions since central bank policies only allow one "correct" viewpoint. However, as in the case of Greece or perceptions of the global ...
Recovery from recession modest, slow, economist says | AIDT
By Heather Holladay
“What I've been telling people is that this is the new normal. Get used to it. We're not going to go back to what we had in 2005 or 2006.” Many of those in attendance hoped for better news but feared worse from the economic authority.
BOE Weale: Sees Positive, Better-Than-Expected Q1 Growth
By Market News International
which saw volumes fall sharply in February, with revisions showing the previously reported boom in January sales was illusory. The MPC member also said that local businesses had come to terms with the fact “uncertainty is the new normal”.
Forex Bloggers
Despite Improving Economy, Many States Keep their Budget Axes ...
Remarking on the matter, Delaware Governor Jack Markell (D), who also serves as the vice-chairman of the National Governors Association, said “I think the new normal is that we are every single year going to have to be very much focused ...
Texas Public Policy Foundation...
Outside My Window » The New Normal
One day does not a summer make but a week of June-like weather is mighty convincing. Though I'm thrilled to be wearing summer clothes in mid-March it ...

Auf dem 11.FI-TS Management-Forum 2012 gab Peter Hinssen, Autor und Managing ...
A New Normal - MyGiftedLife
Life is so much fun lately discovering the limits of my own mind. It's amazing what aspects of life intelligence can affect and make better when you can learn…
Follow @NewNormalNews
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