“The new normal is that people are anxious at work and bored at home,” Gregory says. In both situations, they lack focused motivation. There may be little that their bosses can do to prod them off the couch, but in the office, Gregory says, ... Magazine
Returning vets face 'new normal' of invisible wounds, isolation, joblessness
Pittsburgh Post Gazette
By Halle Stockton / PublicSource Coming Home PA is a project spearheaded by PublicSource, a local nonprofit investigative news group, with the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette and other local media partners. Loaded assault rifle at the ready and eyes alert, ...
Tom Humphrey: Governor evolving toward a new normal
Knoxville News Sentinel
By Tom Humphrey Displaying an evolving new normal in his gubernatorial reign, a believing-in-better Bill Haslam last week officially and formally, albeit cautiously, expressed mild disagreement for the first time with a piece of legislation that ...
Day of Tornadoes: Victims of 2011 Cumberland County storms still discovering a ...
Fayetteville Observer
A sense of "new normal" was settling in by late spring. During the day, Jamestown Avenue was buzzing with repairs or demolition. At night, it was strangely quiet. By early summer, it was becoming evident which homes could be salvaged and which would ...
Poor Behavior #10: Being Uncomfortable with Change
Bothell/Kenmore Reporter (blog)
If someone you know is struggling with change, ask them to find their own opportunities in thenew normal. Will they be able to spend more time with family or participate in their favorite outside activities? Will the increased job responsibilities ...
Pirates' Struggles At Bat Mirror League-Wide Offensive Decline
Bucs Dugout
Whatever the reason, if the trend continues, fans will need to become acclimated to lower-scoring games as "the new normal", and calibrate their expectations accordingly. To the naked eye, hitters giving average or above-average performances this year ...
Freeholder details reasons for sale of nursing home
New Jersey Herald
State-mandated budget caps and reduced funding almost across the board, to a shrinking tax base that has dropped $3 billion in the last three years, all of which indicate the difficult economic times we are in, and that reflects the new normal.
Democracy Project founder part of UCO's inaugural events
Edmond Sun
Leaders at more than 120 campuses are organizing Red Balloon Project activities in an effort to understand the “new normal” state of higher education in America. For Central, Mehaffy's discussion comes right on time, as Oklahoma Gov.
F1 China: Rosberg Takes Pole, Mercedes Occupies Front Row
... the Shanghai start is surprisingly reminiscent of a different age in F1. A quick look at the pri-China F1 standings and the Shanghai grid would suggest the Formula is far from the normal order or maybe we are just beginning to see the new normal!
Hard times for area students as more families slip below the poverty line
Belleville News Democrat
Some believe today's inflated poverty figures are the new normal, while others believe the end of the recession will cause things to go back to the way they used to be five or 10 years ago. Dosier said he believes as the recession fades that District...

Belleville News Democrat
Secret Service Prostitution Scandal Is the 'Biggest In Its History ...
By Brett LoGiurato
This is the new normal under the Obama Administration. The GSA scandal, now the Secret Serviuce, before that the Military, and SOLYNDRA socal scandal, and the First Lady is a walking scandal who has turned the White House into party ...
Business Insider
Sunday Column: Our Evolving Governor | Humphrey on the Hill ...
By Tom Humphrey
Displaying an evolving new normal in his gubernatorial reign, a believing-in-better Bill Haslam last week officially and formally, albeit cautiously, expressed mild disagreement for the first time with a piece of legislation that reached his desk.
Humphrey on the Hill
Ram Kedlaya's blog: Metamorphosis from a Manager to a Leader
By .
Economic uncertainty is the “new normal”, something we have not seen since the Great Depression. In mature economies, the imperative to “think different” and aging demographics has created a huge need for leadership in organizations and ...
Ram Kedlaya's blog
I love learning new things… « Life as I know it…
By Miss Molly
Week 7 – Week of 04/07/2012: WEEKLY RECAP 1 hour ago; The new "normal" 2 days ago; hahaha... Google+ now looks like Facebook Timeline... what is it they say about "Imitation is the sincerest ...
Life as I know it...
Right or Wrong? The new normal - The Baptist Standard :: The ...
Some people say our society's economic issues, theological persuasions and cultural norms comprise a "new normal." Does this mean morals are diminishing, ...
One Family's New Normal | Columbus Parent
Scott and Allison Kingsley's youngest son Brett was diagnosed with Spinal Muscular Atrophy ...
Creating the New Normal - Friday Free For All - Community Home ...
Hey, I'm Franny Fried, after 25 years working in “corporate America”, I'm often just that…frazzled, fed up, flustered, and fried. I'm not the only one, which is why I ...
Is plastic surgery the new normal?
Herald Sun
Or that a surgically altered face is the new normal. Because at what point do you go from looking "amazing for your age" to just looking a bit ... odd. And then really odd. And then Jocelyn Wildenstein. My personal solution is to ignore Hollywood and ...
Right or Wrong? The new normal
Dallas Baptist Standard
Some people say our society's economic issues, theological persuasions and cultural norms comprise a "new normal." Does this mean morals are diminishing, or are we looking at a completely different cultural shape? Are gospel values still important?
We are now in a new normal: Shibulal
The Hindu
I think the world is in a new normal. It will continue to be volatile and uncertain. Corporations will have to adjust and become more aware of this and learn to operate in these conditions. Our estimates of guidance have worked pretty well over so many ...
Tories on track to balance books by 2015-16, spending watchdog says
Ottawa Citizen
By Jason Fekete, Postmedia News April 13, 2012 Parliamentary Budget Officer Kevin Page: “We're seeing real restraint, a new normal of restraint." OTTAWA — A new report from Parliament's spending watchdog shows federal expenditures are on pace to be ...
Soldier Gives Back
After all that he's been through, he's found a new normal. That new normal started with the CJ Stewart Foundation. "The CJ Stewart Foundation is using my story and the story of everything I've gone through to share with youth about struggles and ...
What Are the Lessons of Early Puberty?
This is the stage upon which a recent article in The New York Times caused a good deal of buzz entitled, Puberty Before Age 10, a New 'Normal'? The piece began with the story of a 9-year-old little girl who had started growing pubic hair at age 6.
The (Dis)Illusion of Control
SYS-CON Media (press release) (blog)
By Bob Gourley Conventional wisdom is telling us that “assumption of breach” is the new normal. Some well-respected names in computer security would have you believe that the appropriate response to such conditions is to increase the cost to the ...
@theMarket: Expect More Volatility Ahead (blog)
After months of enjoying a straight-up stock market, we are getting back to the new normal, so strap on your seat belts. Monday and Tuesday were downright ugly. The next two days we climbed back up and then on Friday gave some back.
Budget and challenges to the profession report highlight State Bar board meeting
The committee developed a report, “The New Normal: The Challenges Facing the Legal Profession,” which identifies economic pressures, technology, regulation of the profession, and new lawyer training/development as some of the top challenges that ...

Lessons learned in LDI
Benefits Canada
Rob Stapleford of Mercer and Duncan Burrill of the CBC Pension Plan spoke about the barriers to LDI and the lessons learned from implementation at the ACPM's Ontario Regional Council spring session—The New Normal for Investments and Other Updates ...

Benefits Canada
DC issues that won't go away
Benefits Canada
That was the message Marcus Turner of Towers Watson stressed yesterday at the ACPM's Ontario Regional Council spring session—The New Normal for Investments and Other Updates—in Toronto. “Everything's going to come back to understanding your ...

Benefits Canada
What The Next 10 Years Holds For Emerging Markets
But we are entering a new normal now. Brazil is pricing itself out of the competition, and the government knows it. Anyone who thinks that the B in BRICs stands for Booming might want to spend some time with Ruchir Sharma's new book,”Breakout Nations: ...

We are in a period of protracted volatility
We are definitely in a new normal. I think it will continue to be volatile. It is less predictable than before. In this situation, it is going to be a period of protracted volatility. You spoke about de-risking strategies. Please elaborate.
Upfront Market On Autopilot, Researchers Trying To Scale New Heights
MediaPost Communications
“In an economy that is sort of this new normal, people are looking to either regain, maintain or grow share and that means you're going to spend more money in television,” said Dave Cassaro, who led cable sales at NBCUniversal and is now an industry ...
Canada Crime Bill C10 hunger striker concerned about Parliament's silent treatment
I fear that this tyranny of silence will become the new normal in Canada under Harper. It wears down progressive opponents of ideology-based official policy, and discourages Canadians from engaging and questioning. It is cancerous to our democracy.
New City Planning and Building Fees Close in on True Costs
City of Mississauga (press release)
Sajecki explained that changes to the fees will help Mississauga deal with a 'new normal'. The City is now seeing more complex applications involving infill, renovation and redevelopment. These applications take more staff time in departments across ...
Infosys guidance stumps Street
Business Standard
The company, however, fears the start of the new projects would be slower in the 'new normal', when clients are showing cautiousness in terms of spending. Ashok Vemuri, Infosys' head for America and global head of manufacturing and engineering services ...
Deficit could end early
Montreal Gazette
"We're seeing real restraint, a new normal of restraint," Parliamentary Budget Officer Kevin Page said Friday in an interview. "It will mean a better deficit projection going forward." The Conservative government will cut $5.2 billion from operating ...
Big Labor fundraising lags
“Under the new normal of Citizens United, the right will enjoy a permanent funding edge. But we will be activating and empowering networks of grassroots activists that will use old fashioned energy combined with cutting edge technology to build a...

Steve Sink: Positive steps may quicken this slow recovery
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Said Doug Lonnstrom of the Siena College Research Institute, which did the confidence surveying: “After years of delaying purchases as part of the 'new normal,' consumers say they are ready to return to spending as they did before the recession.
Neverly Ever After (or How to Work During Divorce)
Huffington Post
But it is starting to feel like the new normal. And I can live with that. Mostly, I've learned that if you can force yourself to just show up for work, do the job, bleed a little, cry a lot, then sometimes, just sometimes, something beautiful happens.
Infosys' CEO Discusses Q4 2012 Results - Earnings Call Transcript
Seeking Alpha
We believe that this will be a new normal and this will be the normal in which we will need to operate. And even then, we have not changed the principles of guidance. We have given the guidance. Our visibility for the coming quarter, actually the ...
'Early bird' Isa investors catch extra returns
Financial Times
“We're entering the third year since the market bottomed and I think investors are adjusting to a 'new normal' state of flat stock markets,” explains Adrian Lowcock at broker Bestinvest. “In this environment, people are opting for funds that invest in ...
More female faces appear among Latin American leaders
Toronto Star
Women in positions of leadership are increasingly becoming the new normal. Sherry Tross is executive secretary of the Summits of the Americas Secretariat at the OAS. Email Print Add to Favourites Report an error Rss Top Stories: Editorial Cartoons ...

Toronto Star
Sustainable cities in Pakistan: a dream in the 'new normal' | Pakistan ...
By anjum
THE HUFFINGTON POST - Can we dream for sustainable cities in Pakistan? Sustainable cities and towns are no longer a new concept in the world. However, in a country like Pakistan, they are something new – a hard but not impossible goal.
Pakistan Today | Latest news...
In-House Marketing is Old-School Thinking | Top Business Internet ...
In-House Marketing is Old-School Thinking. There's a lot of talk these days about functioning in a “new normal economy.” That is, individuals and business owners have begun to bounce back from the massive economic crisis we've faced over ...
Top Business Internet Marketing
Canada Crime Bill C10 hunger striker concerned about Parliament's ...
By Obert Madondo
I fear that this tyranny of silence will become the new normal in Canada under Harper. It wears down progressive opponents of ideology-based official policy, and discourages Canadians from engaging and questioning. It is cancerous to our ...
Canadian Progressive World
New Digs: Chateau Laurier Hotel — Knowledge Mobilization Works
By Peter Levesque
... Why jerks ace job interviews and earn higher salaries about 21 hours ago from bitly ReplyRetweetFavorite; The new normal of digital and distance education - Massey University 09:40:08 AM April ...
Knowledge Mobilization Works
Pittsburgh Post Gazette
By Halle Stockton / PublicSource Coming Home PA is a project spearheaded by PublicSource, a local nonprofit investigative news group, with the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette and other local media partners. Loaded assault rifle at the ready and eyes alert, ...
Tom Humphrey: Governor evolving toward a new normal
Knoxville News Sentinel
By Tom Humphrey Displaying an evolving new normal in his gubernatorial reign, a believing-in-better Bill Haslam last week officially and formally, albeit cautiously, expressed mild disagreement for the first time with a piece of legislation that ...
Day of Tornadoes: Victims of 2011 Cumberland County storms still discovering a ...
Fayetteville Observer
A sense of "new normal" was settling in by late spring. During the day, Jamestown Avenue was buzzing with repairs or demolition. At night, it was strangely quiet. By early summer, it was becoming evident which homes could be salvaged and which would ...
Poor Behavior #10: Being Uncomfortable with Change
Bothell/Kenmore Reporter (blog)
If someone you know is struggling with change, ask them to find their own opportunities in thenew normal. Will they be able to spend more time with family or participate in their favorite outside activities? Will the increased job responsibilities ...
Pirates' Struggles At Bat Mirror League-Wide Offensive Decline
Bucs Dugout
Whatever the reason, if the trend continues, fans will need to become acclimated to lower-scoring games as "the new normal", and calibrate their expectations accordingly. To the naked eye, hitters giving average or above-average performances this year ...
Freeholder details reasons for sale of nursing home
New Jersey Herald
State-mandated budget caps and reduced funding almost across the board, to a shrinking tax base that has dropped $3 billion in the last three years, all of which indicate the difficult economic times we are in, and that reflects the new normal.
Democracy Project founder part of UCO's inaugural events
Edmond Sun
Leaders at more than 120 campuses are organizing Red Balloon Project activities in an effort to understand the “new normal” state of higher education in America. For Central, Mehaffy's discussion comes right on time, as Oklahoma Gov.
F1 China: Rosberg Takes Pole, Mercedes Occupies Front Row
... the Shanghai start is surprisingly reminiscent of a different age in F1. A quick look at the pri-China F1 standings and the Shanghai grid would suggest the Formula is far from the normal order or maybe we are just beginning to see the new normal!
Hard times for area students as more families slip below the poverty line
Belleville News Democrat
Some believe today's inflated poverty figures are the new normal, while others believe the end of the recession will cause things to go back to the way they used to be five or 10 years ago. Dosier said he believes as the recession fades that District...
Belleville News Democrat
Secret Service Prostitution Scandal Is the 'Biggest In Its History ...
By Brett LoGiurato
This is the new normal under the Obama Administration. The GSA scandal, now the Secret Serviuce, before that the Military, and SOLYNDRA socal scandal, and the First Lady is a walking scandal who has turned the White House into party ...
Business Insider
Sunday Column: Our Evolving Governor | Humphrey on the Hill ...
By Tom Humphrey
Displaying an evolving new normal in his gubernatorial reign, a believing-in-better Bill Haslam last week officially and formally, albeit cautiously, expressed mild disagreement for the first time with a piece of legislation that reached his desk.
Humphrey on the Hill
Ram Kedlaya's blog: Metamorphosis from a Manager to a Leader
By .
Economic uncertainty is the “new normal”, something we have not seen since the Great Depression. In mature economies, the imperative to “think different” and aging demographics has created a huge need for leadership in organizations and ...
Ram Kedlaya's blog
I love learning new things… « Life as I know it…
By Miss Molly
Week 7 – Week of 04/07/2012: WEEKLY RECAP 1 hour ago; The new "normal" 2 days ago; hahaha... Google+ now looks like Facebook Timeline... what is it they say about "Imitation is the sincerest ...
Life as I know it...
Right or Wrong? The new normal - The Baptist Standard :: The ...
Some people say our society's economic issues, theological persuasions and cultural norms comprise a "new normal." Does this mean morals are diminishing, ...

Scott and Allison Kingsley's youngest son Brett was diagnosed with Spinal Muscular Atrophy ...
Creating the New Normal - Friday Free For All - Community Home ...
Hey, I'm Franny Fried, after 25 years working in “corporate America”, I'm often just that…frazzled, fed up, flustered, and fried. I'm not the only one, which is why I ...
Is plastic surgery the new normal?
Herald Sun
Or that a surgically altered face is the new normal. Because at what point do you go from looking "amazing for your age" to just looking a bit ... odd. And then really odd. And then Jocelyn Wildenstein. My personal solution is to ignore Hollywood and ...
Right or Wrong? The new normal
Dallas Baptist Standard
Some people say our society's economic issues, theological persuasions and cultural norms comprise a "new normal." Does this mean morals are diminishing, or are we looking at a completely different cultural shape? Are gospel values still important?
We are now in a new normal: Shibulal
The Hindu
I think the world is in a new normal. It will continue to be volatile and uncertain. Corporations will have to adjust and become more aware of this and learn to operate in these conditions. Our estimates of guidance have worked pretty well over so many ...
Tories on track to balance books by 2015-16, spending watchdog says
Ottawa Citizen
By Jason Fekete, Postmedia News April 13, 2012 Parliamentary Budget Officer Kevin Page: “We're seeing real restraint, a new normal of restraint." OTTAWA — A new report from Parliament's spending watchdog shows federal expenditures are on pace to be ...
Soldier Gives Back
After all that he's been through, he's found a new normal. That new normal started with the CJ Stewart Foundation. "The CJ Stewart Foundation is using my story and the story of everything I've gone through to share with youth about struggles and ...
What Are the Lessons of Early Puberty?
This is the stage upon which a recent article in The New York Times caused a good deal of buzz entitled, Puberty Before Age 10, a New 'Normal'? The piece began with the story of a 9-year-old little girl who had started growing pubic hair at age 6.
The (Dis)Illusion of Control
SYS-CON Media (press release) (blog)
By Bob Gourley Conventional wisdom is telling us that “assumption of breach” is the new normal. Some well-respected names in computer security would have you believe that the appropriate response to such conditions is to increase the cost to the ...
@theMarket: Expect More Volatility Ahead (blog)
After months of enjoying a straight-up stock market, we are getting back to the new normal, so strap on your seat belts. Monday and Tuesday were downright ugly. The next two days we climbed back up and then on Friday gave some back.
Budget and challenges to the profession report highlight State Bar board meeting
The committee developed a report, “The New Normal: The Challenges Facing the Legal Profession,” which identifies economic pressures, technology, regulation of the profession, and new lawyer training/development as some of the top challenges that ...
Lessons learned in LDI
Benefits Canada
Rob Stapleford of Mercer and Duncan Burrill of the CBC Pension Plan spoke about the barriers to LDI and the lessons learned from implementation at the ACPM's Ontario Regional Council spring session—The New Normal for Investments and Other Updates ...
Benefits Canada
DC issues that won't go away
Benefits Canada
That was the message Marcus Turner of Towers Watson stressed yesterday at the ACPM's Ontario Regional Council spring session—The New Normal for Investments and Other Updates—in Toronto. “Everything's going to come back to understanding your ...
Benefits Canada
What The Next 10 Years Holds For Emerging Markets
But we are entering a new normal now. Brazil is pricing itself out of the competition, and the government knows it. Anyone who thinks that the B in BRICs stands for Booming might want to spend some time with Ruchir Sharma's new book,”Breakout Nations: ...
We are in a period of protracted volatility
We are definitely in a new normal. I think it will continue to be volatile. It is less predictable than before. In this situation, it is going to be a period of protracted volatility. You spoke about de-risking strategies. Please elaborate.
Upfront Market On Autopilot, Researchers Trying To Scale New Heights
MediaPost Communications
“In an economy that is sort of this new normal, people are looking to either regain, maintain or grow share and that means you're going to spend more money in television,” said Dave Cassaro, who led cable sales at NBCUniversal and is now an industry ...
Canada Crime Bill C10 hunger striker concerned about Parliament's silent treatment
I fear that this tyranny of silence will become the new normal in Canada under Harper. It wears down progressive opponents of ideology-based official policy, and discourages Canadians from engaging and questioning. It is cancerous to our democracy.
New City Planning and Building Fees Close in on True Costs
City of Mississauga (press release)
Sajecki explained that changes to the fees will help Mississauga deal with a 'new normal'. The City is now seeing more complex applications involving infill, renovation and redevelopment. These applications take more staff time in departments across ...
Infosys guidance stumps Street
Business Standard
The company, however, fears the start of the new projects would be slower in the 'new normal', when clients are showing cautiousness in terms of spending. Ashok Vemuri, Infosys' head for America and global head of manufacturing and engineering services ...
Deficit could end early
Montreal Gazette
"We're seeing real restraint, a new normal of restraint," Parliamentary Budget Officer Kevin Page said Friday in an interview. "It will mean a better deficit projection going forward." The Conservative government will cut $5.2 billion from operating ...
Big Labor fundraising lags
“Under the new normal of Citizens United, the right will enjoy a permanent funding edge. But we will be activating and empowering networks of grassroots activists that will use old fashioned energy combined with cutting edge technology to build a...
Steve Sink: Positive steps may quicken this slow recovery
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Said Doug Lonnstrom of the Siena College Research Institute, which did the confidence surveying: “After years of delaying purchases as part of the 'new normal,' consumers say they are ready to return to spending as they did before the recession.
Neverly Ever After (or How to Work During Divorce)
Huffington Post
But it is starting to feel like the new normal. And I can live with that. Mostly, I've learned that if you can force yourself to just show up for work, do the job, bleed a little, cry a lot, then sometimes, just sometimes, something beautiful happens.
Infosys' CEO Discusses Q4 2012 Results - Earnings Call Transcript
Seeking Alpha
We believe that this will be a new normal and this will be the normal in which we will need to operate. And even then, we have not changed the principles of guidance. We have given the guidance. Our visibility for the coming quarter, actually the ...
'Early bird' Isa investors catch extra returns
Financial Times
“We're entering the third year since the market bottomed and I think investors are adjusting to a 'new normal' state of flat stock markets,” explains Adrian Lowcock at broker Bestinvest. “In this environment, people are opting for funds that invest in ...
More female faces appear among Latin American leaders
Toronto Star
Women in positions of leadership are increasingly becoming the new normal. Sherry Tross is executive secretary of the Summits of the Americas Secretariat at the OAS. Email Print Add to Favourites Report an error Rss Top Stories: Editorial Cartoons ...
Toronto Star
Sustainable cities in Pakistan: a dream in the 'new normal' | Pakistan ...
By anjum
THE HUFFINGTON POST - Can we dream for sustainable cities in Pakistan? Sustainable cities and towns are no longer a new concept in the world. However, in a country like Pakistan, they are something new – a hard but not impossible goal.
Pakistan Today | Latest news...
In-House Marketing is Old-School Thinking | Top Business Internet ...
In-House Marketing is Old-School Thinking. There's a lot of talk these days about functioning in a “new normal economy.” That is, individuals and business owners have begun to bounce back from the massive economic crisis we've faced over ...
Top Business Internet Marketing
Canada Crime Bill C10 hunger striker concerned about Parliament's ...
By Obert Madondo
I fear that this tyranny of silence will become the new normal in Canada under Harper. It wears down progressive opponents of ideology-based official policy, and discourages Canadians from engaging and questioning. It is cancerous to our ...
Canadian Progressive World
New Digs: Chateau Laurier Hotel — Knowledge Mobilization Works
By Peter Levesque
... Why jerks ace job interviews and earn higher salaries about 21 hours ago from bitly ReplyRetweetFavorite; The new normal of digital and distance education - Massey University 09:40:08 AM April ...
Knowledge Mobilization Works
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